Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:17 AM

We had some fun with adjectives and nouns today and played a rousing game of Apples to Apples, Jr.  This is a fun way to learn some new adjectives and to think differently about how we describe some nouns!  Which is stinkier, a dirty diaper, a farm, throw up or onions?  What is more dangerous, fire, smoke, a kangaroo or outer space?  The kids had a great time playing and I secretly enjoyed knowing they were expanding their vocabularies and gaining better mastery of adjectives!


Lots of giggles, teamwork and compromising makes for a great game of Apples to Apples!  We can't wait to play again!

A special thanks to Prestyn's Nana, Ms. Georgia for the great pictures!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:23 PM

Image...It's about exploring new games...

Image...creating new designs....

Image...building together...

Image...finding a character in a book with the same name...

Image...learning the rules together...

Image...learning patience (and a steady hand!)

The kids think they are just having fun and playing around, but I know how much they learn and gain from social time with each other.  I love listening to their conversations, watching their creativity blossom and even working out their disagreements constructively together!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:17 PM
Reading 'Round the Campfire (in Library!)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:15 PM

At the end of each day, students lead a discussion about the spelling sentence of the day and the math problem of the week.  Today, the class collectively spelled every word correctly and marked the proper parts of speech!  I was really impressed with their discussions with each other as they made corrections and fixed errors.  It was awesome teamwork!  Great spelling, BUGS!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:14 AM

Every morning, we start our day with the Math Problem of the Week and our daily spelling dictation sentence.  The students work independently on these activities while I take lunch count, attendance and check BEE folders.  One student is chosen each day to read the spelling sentence for the rest of the class to work on.  Today was Jaylen's turn.  They like to sit in the tall director's chair and read the sentence to the class.  They have learned how to read it through once with everyone listening and then go back and read it again, but it shorter chunks for the class to write down.  This is a great way to get students up in front of their peers in a non-threatening way, to have them wait for listening ears and eyes on them to start, and for me to get a few necessary tasks done each day!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:52 AM
Our second read aloud book was "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo.  I read this book for so many reasons, but it is a great way to learn summarizing as each few chapters are different parts of Edward's journey and the students learn how to make a brief but telling statement about what has happened without including all the details.  We practice by making mini-books and as we read, we add a summary sentence and an illustration to show what has just happened.  It is great for making predictions and inferences as well and we practice all of these as we journey along with Edward.
It is also a heart-wrenching story and the kids will tell you I cry at the end (every time!)  It is a great story about hope and love and about opening your heart to new adventures. 

The very last section of the book, the Coda, is Kate DiCamillo's summary of what has happened along the way with Edward.  We took a look at it and compared it to our own summaries.  Ms. DiCamillo might say it a bit more eloquently, but we felt pretty good about our own summarizing skills.  For those unfamiliar with the story, this is Ms. DiCamillo's Coda at the end.  We all highly recommend it!

Once, there was a China rabbit who was loved by a little girl. The rabbit went on an ocean journey and fell overboard and was rescued by a fisherman. He was buried under garbage and unburied by a dog. He travelled for a long time with the hobos and worked for a short time as a scarecrow.
Once, there was a rabbit who loved a little girl and watched her die.
The rabbit danced on the streets of Memphis. His head was broken open in a diner and was put together again by a doll mender.
And the rabbit swore that he would not make the mistake of loving again.
Once there was a rabbit who danced in a garden in springtime with the daughter of the women who had loved him at the beginning of his journey. The girl swung the rabbit as she danced in circles. Sometimes, they went so fast, the two of them, that it seemed as if they were flying. Sometimes, it seemed as if they both had wings.
Once, oh marvelous once, there was a rabbit who found his way home.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM

We played Around the World today to have some fun with math facts!  Billy and Kolleana set the bar high by whizzing around the room!  I am sure there are students at home practicing their facts so they can be a winner next time!  Congratulations Kolleana and Billy!



Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:55 AM
We were finally able to blog in the computer lab this week!  Thanks Mr. Tony for hooking us up with a Google Drive shortcut!  A few BUGS wanted to share their thoughts in writing with all of you this week.

My birthday is coming up its next week on thursday the 24th.I am turning 8.Me and some of my friends are going to Pizza hut after that where going bowling.My moms birthday is on

that sataurday shes going on a trip.My dads is on hollaween. were having a big

celabration.this sunday my family is going to paint pumkins.tomorrow is my last soccer game until spring. My best friend Truinedy and Rowan are on my team.our t-shirt color is

neon green. my coach is really nice.Our team wun 1 game sofar we were tied the last couple games.last sataurday we wun we scored 4 goals i scoared 2  out of the 4.- Avery.

Last weekend I had alot of fun because I got to go to the apple orchard two times in a row.One was for my neighbors birthday party and the second one was for fun - Emma K.

Today at read along in Mrs. Koehn`s class .We finished Edward Tulane it is a realy a good book and. Mrs. Koehn is a realy a good teacher. from the bug Ian.

Second grade is really fun. I’ve hand alot of fun and Howaleen is coming up im so exsited for it. I’ve made new friends this year. We learned C+L+E. Lunch has lots of good food.My teacher is Mrs.Koehn. My grandma is coming down.This year im doing soccer. I have gym on mondays,spanish on tuasday, music on wesday art on thursday, and fiday is libarery. Emma A is my neighbor.from Kolleana

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:34 PM

We love Fire Safety Day at PPEE.  Not just because it is reassuring to know what to do in case of an emergency, but because we get to see the big fire trucks!!   



The Fire Chief talks to us about feeling our door before we open it; stop drop and roll if our clothes are on fire; having as safe meeting place with our family outside of our house; and remembering to call 911.


This year we got to meet Freddie the Fire Truck!  
He made us laugh, but he also helped us to remember how to be safe in case of a fire!


We even got to see (and hear) a fireman with all of his protective gear on so we won't be afraid if one comes to save us.



After reviewing fire safety tips, we went outside to look at the big trucks!  We learned that the cabs of the trucks were made near Charlotte, Michigan and the rest of the truck was special ordered from Nebraska.
 One man welds the entire big ladder together! 








e weren't allowed to climb up the big ladder, but if we did, we could have seen the stop light on Main Street!  That's far!!











The firemen showed us the big legs on the ladder truck that keep it from tipping over.  We also saw all the knobs and dials they have to learn how to use!  Firemen have to keep taking classes to learn about the equipment!


Thank you to the Paw Paw Fire Department for coming to the Early Elementary today to teach us about fire safety!  We hope we are never in a real emergency, but if we are, we know you will come help us! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:46 AM

Today we wrapped up our study of E.B. White's classic, Charlotte's Web by watching the movie.  We laughed, we gasped and we even wiped away a tear or two.  We love the friendship between a pig and a spider!  
