Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:17 AM

We had some fun with adjectives and nouns today and played a rousing game of Apples to Apples, Jr.  This is a fun way to learn some new adjectives and to think differently about how we describe some nouns!  Which is stinkier, a dirty diaper, a farm, throw up or onions?  What is more dangerous, fire, smoke, a kangaroo or outer space?  The kids had a great time playing and I secretly enjoyed knowing they were expanding their vocabularies and gaining better mastery of adjectives!


Lots of giggles, teamwork and compromising makes for a great game of Apples to Apples!  We can't wait to play again!

A special thanks to Prestyn's Nana, Ms. Georgia for the great pictures!


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