Friday, October 18, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:55 AM
We were finally able to blog in the computer lab this week!  Thanks Mr. Tony for hooking us up with a Google Drive shortcut!  A few BUGS wanted to share their thoughts in writing with all of you this week.

My birthday is coming up its next week on thursday the 24th.I am turning 8.Me and some of my friends are going to Pizza hut after that where going bowling.My moms birthday is on

that sataurday shes going on a trip.My dads is on hollaween. were having a big

celabration.this sunday my family is going to paint pumkins.tomorrow is my last soccer game until spring. My best friend Truinedy and Rowan are on my team.our t-shirt color is

neon green. my coach is really nice.Our team wun 1 game sofar we were tied the last couple games.last sataurday we wun we scored 4 goals i scoared 2  out of the 4.- Avery.

Last weekend I had alot of fun because I got to go to the apple orchard two times in a row.One was for my neighbors birthday party and the second one was for fun - Emma K.

Today at read along in Mrs. Koehn`s class .We finished Edward Tulane it is a realy a good book and. Mrs. Koehn is a realy a good teacher. from the bug Ian.

Second grade is really fun. I’ve hand alot of fun and Howaleen is coming up im so exsited for it. I’ve made new friends this year. We learned C+L+E. Lunch has lots of good food.My teacher is Mrs.Koehn. My grandma is coming down.This year im doing soccer. I have gym on mondays,spanish on tuasday, music on wesday art on thursday, and fiday is libarery. Emma A is my neighbor.from Kolleana


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