Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:14 AM

Every morning, we start our day with the Math Problem of the Week and our daily spelling dictation sentence.  The students work independently on these activities while I take lunch count, attendance and check BEE folders.  One student is chosen each day to read the spelling sentence for the rest of the class to work on.  Today was Jaylen's turn.  They like to sit in the tall director's chair and read the sentence to the class.  They have learned how to read it through once with everyone listening and then go back and read it again, but it shorter chunks for the class to write down.  This is a great way to get students up in front of their peers in a non-threatening way, to have them wait for listening ears and eyes on them to start, and for me to get a few necessary tasks done each day!


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