Friday, April 25, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:45 AM

The Early Elementary PTO provides a free book for every student in the building twice year.
We LOVE free book day!! 

The kids are so excited about their new books they can't wait to start reading!

Thank you PTO!!  We love our new books!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:58 PM
On the first day everyone wanted to be my friend I said sure so now I have a lot of firends . I like this school  it is fun everyone is nice well being new is fun. I did not have to do the math test  insted I  got to read.I read a book about bad kitty- by Amelia
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:06 AM
Today is national "Poem in My Pocket" day!!  We thought this was a great day to start our new writing unit on poetry!  To kick off our day, I shared a poem with the class that I had written (they will all start writing their own poems next week!!) and then throughout the day we are looking for more great poems to put in our pocket so we can share them with friends!  

A Poem in My Pocket
by Mrs. Koehn

I have a poem in my pocket,
It puts a smile upon my face.
I can pull it out and read it,
Anytime and anyplace.

I have a poem in my pocket,
It stays with me all day.
It warms my heart and makes me smile,
Like sunshine on my face.

I have a poem in my pocket,
It's short and sweet and true.
But best of all, it's here to share,
With a good friend such as you!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:57 AM
Last month we started a mystery bio and we interviewed a random teacher and ask questions and she or he would answer the questions and we would write them down and after that we would write them down on a piece of draft paper and after you ask four classmates and you fixed your draft we were ready to publish and when you were done you could start a new draft.   When i interviewed my teacher it was my first grade teacher!I was suprised when i saw it was my first grade teacher and I was happy that i was back in my 1 grade classroom.Plus we got to do a thank you note to the teacher we interviewed.My teacher that i interviewed liked my thank you note that i sent to her alot!She enjoyed me back with her alot so did i but i can`t come back but if i stay here and wait for March again i hope i can interview her again alot!  - by Jaylen

Over Easter I’m going to have a lot of fun because I am staying at my cousin Jonathan,Kendall and Alexandra’s house and all my cousins will be there and were staying the night so we will be there on Sunday to have an easter egg hunt and play with my cousins.Were leaving on Saturday afternoon and the live 2 hours away from my house.I’m so excited for it because there house is so huge and they just moved in it 2 years ago.All my cousins names are Stella,Andrew Nate Michele,Onaca,Ross,Colin,Elenoar and last but not least the oldest cousin is……..Marissa. by Avery 
Once upon a time there was a spotted dog named Spot and one afternoon he met a black cat named Lilly and they talked a little bit and  told each other a little bit about themselves and then they finally became friends. So now they decided that they would go on an adventure to find a new home for them to live together. And so they walked and walked for a few days and on the weekend in the morning they met a brown and yellow and a very tall giraffe named Linsey.She asked them if they knew where the zoo was but they didn’t know where the zoo was. So they asked her what’s the zoo? Hah!Linsey was very shocked. You  don’t know what the zoo is! She said. The zoo is a place where homeless animals can go to live their lives. After a moment they clapped and they ask Linsey. Can we come to the zoo with you? Linsey thought for a minute and decided that it would be nice to have some friends and she told them that her reply was yes she wouldlike it if theycame on her adventure.So Linsey,Spot,and Lilly went  walking and walking                             untill on Wensdoy a week after they met they found the best greatest thing happend ...they found the zoo!So when you go to the zoo you might find Spot,Lilly,and Linsey. THE END! by Kolleana

We have an awesome new student that is nice and friendly, her name is Amelia. She came just yesterday and we were all excited to meet her. She rides my bus in the morning but on Wednesday I didn’t notice her but when I got off the bus she walked right to my classroom and I thought huh that must be Amelia! I was very excited to meet her and so was everyone else!! -by Avery

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:00 PM
We used an app in class today called "ColAR Mix" that took coloring pages (specific ones printed out from the website) and animated them.  The kids loved this (it's pretty cool, I'll admit) and will probably mention it a time or two at home.  You can find more information about the app here if you're interested in finding out more (it's $3 for several coloring pages that will then animate with the app).
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:57 PM
Double Trouble- by Avery

Once upon a time deep in the woods was a big grey house and in that house was a family of seven.  There was a little girl that was three years old and her name was Macy. Macy was the youngest in the family and had two brothers and sisters. One of the brothers names are Bricen and the other is Braden. Bricen is 9 and Braden is 12 and they never fight.But there sisters do! There sisters names are Kaitlyn and Kelly and there 15. One day Kelly and Bricen went outside to play hide and seek,they played and played while Braden and Kaitlyn helped there mom Julie set the table for lunch. Baby Macy was napping and there dad Mark was at work. Outside when it was Kelly’s turn to count, Bricen hid up in a high Oak tree.Kelly had just finished counting when she heard Bricen screaming HELP! HELP. Dad had just come home from work and saw that Bricen was up in a tree screaming because there was an angry red fox sitting right next to him!!He couldn’t get down so he slowly moved up the tree while dad got his gun and shot the fox and put up a ladder so he could get down. Then they raced inside and told everybody what happened. Mom said are you okay? Yes said Bricen giggling. Then they sat down and had lunch and then they all had brownies and cookies.The End.

McKenzie and the Flower Talking Mischief - by Emma K.

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mckenzie. She had her very own garden. She loved her garden very much,but she had to be careful that no bunnies would get into her garden and eat her plants, so she built a fence for her plants. But one day she heard a sound in the garden… and it was her flowers. Mckenzie was very surprised because she never heard daisies and dandelions talk. Then Mckenzie heard another sound but it was only her dad calling Mckenzie from bed. So now we know she doesn’t really have flower power.Then one day she found a bunny and didn't know what to do with it. So a few days past and Mckenzie went to see if she was actually talking to her flowers and not just daydreaming. Now she knows she wasn't daydreaming,she was really talking to her own plants.Hello,said a flower.Nice to meet you said another.So she went to get her mom and dad but they didn’t believe her.So she showed her them and she was absolutely right.Soon that bunny was free to go and Mckenzie’ s garden  lived happily ever after!  THE END   
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:53 PM
"Squirrels are creepy because they have those chubby cheeks!"  - Abigail

(the word was "lively") - "I only had two people.  "boys" and "George Washington" and George Washington is very much dead."   - Orrin

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:09 PM
March is Reading Month and we have been putting extra focus on reading for the past four weeks.  We've had special activities each day and we've been keeping reading logs of all the books we've read during the month.  Prestyn was our class's GRAND PRIZE WINNER, reading 120 books this month!!  Tyler came in second place with sixty books!
 The whole class together read 570 books this month and the school read over 16,000 books!!  That's a lot of books!! 

Congratulations to Prestyn, Tyler and to all the readers in Room 18!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:05 PM
This is so awesome!!!Because I got to interview a teacher!Now we are writing about them and other teachers are guessing what the teacher is and going to this app and they see a video and they watch it and they will see if they are right or not. Oh and I almost forgot my class does is a illustration when we are done publishing and publishing is our final draft.The last thing is we make thank you notes for the teachers that we interviewed after all that stuff. - from Kolleana

My class got to interview teachers and helpers that are in Paw Paw Early Elementary and it was awesome!I got to go down to her office and write the questions and answers that she told me to write down on my piece of paper.I even got to draw an illustration and write a published piece of paper.Interviews can sometimes be really important!by Emma k

It’s April and almost our spring break and on Friday I’m going to spend the day with my grandma and we are going to have a lot fun because she does a lot fun things for us.She is suprising us  on what we are doing so I know yet, but whatever it is it will be fun.This week we also are doing biography’s on teachers. S/he has done her job for 4 years and loves kids!!  Her favorite book is The Hunger Games.  She has 1 turtle 1 cat and 2 dogs.Shes married and has two kids. - By Avery 

Teacher's Note: The past two weeks, we have been learning about biographies and conducting interviews so we can be the author of a biography.  The students had to generate interesting questions; interview staff members and take notes during the interview;  write a biography using the information (this took several drafts - a process the students are learning to appreciate) and produce a final written piece complete with illustration.  We decided to  make the subject a mystery for the rest of the school to figure out, so we left out the name of the subject person and included a QR code that can be scanned to reveal a very short video with our student authors and the staff member they interviewed.  Come join in the fun the next time you're at the EE and see the amazing work the BUGS have produced!  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:49 AM
It was just too nice today to stay inside!  We've been WAITING for a day as nice as this one to go outside and just READ!!  We loved the warm spring breeze and the bright blue sky.  (We're also glad we were all out of school and back home before the storm clouds let loose!)
Emma K. and Kolleana 


Jose and James shared some giggles.

Everyone had a great time reading outside this afternoon!