Thursday, April 3, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:57 PM
Double Trouble- by Avery

Once upon a time deep in the woods was a big grey house and in that house was a family of seven.  There was a little girl that was three years old and her name was Macy. Macy was the youngest in the family and had two brothers and sisters. One of the brothers names are Bricen and the other is Braden. Bricen is 9 and Braden is 12 and they never fight.But there sisters do! There sisters names are Kaitlyn and Kelly and there 15. One day Kelly and Bricen went outside to play hide and seek,they played and played while Braden and Kaitlyn helped there mom Julie set the table for lunch. Baby Macy was napping and there dad Mark was at work. Outside when it was Kelly’s turn to count, Bricen hid up in a high Oak tree.Kelly had just finished counting when she heard Bricen screaming HELP! HELP. Dad had just come home from work and saw that Bricen was up in a tree screaming because there was an angry red fox sitting right next to him!!He couldn’t get down so he slowly moved up the tree while dad got his gun and shot the fox and put up a ladder so he could get down. Then they raced inside and told everybody what happened. Mom said are you okay? Yes said Bricen giggling. Then they sat down and had lunch and then they all had brownies and cookies.The End.

McKenzie and the Flower Talking Mischief - by Emma K.

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mckenzie. She had her very own garden. She loved her garden very much,but she had to be careful that no bunnies would get into her garden and eat her plants, so she built a fence for her plants. But one day she heard a sound in the garden… and it was her flowers. Mckenzie was very surprised because she never heard daisies and dandelions talk. Then Mckenzie heard another sound but it was only her dad calling Mckenzie from bed. So now we know she doesn’t really have flower power.Then one day she found a bunny and didn't know what to do with it. So a few days past and Mckenzie went to see if she was actually talking to her flowers and not just daydreaming. Now she knows she wasn't daydreaming,she was really talking to her own plants.Hello,said a flower.Nice to meet you said another.So she went to get her mom and dad but they didn’t believe her.So she showed her them and she was absolutely right.Soon that bunny was free to go and Mckenzie’ s garden  lived happily ever after!  THE END   


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