Thursday, May 15, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:40 AM
Today we got to go to the Van Buren County Youth Fair for Agricultural Awareness Day.  This was an amazing day for the second graders!  We were able to learn so much about farm animals, farm safety, horticulture, fire safety and more!  We are all so grateful to Mrs. Butler for arranging this field trip and for the PTO and the Early Elementary for making this a FREE trip for all second graders!  
There were baby goats (only three weeks old!)

We learned how to spot situations on a farm that could lead to accidents.

How many can you spot in this picture?  

There were roosters and black silkie hens to pet.

We learned how to care for rabbits and what the judges would look for if we wanted to show them at the fair.

We learned how to prevent wildfires and important tips on fire safety at home.

We got to touch a coyote hide ... well as a boar's head, a mounted deer head, antlers and we looked at a black bear and fish.

Emma tried on the antlers.

There were piglets, being fattened up for the fair.  They need to gain 200 pounds in less than two months!

We tried to guess the weight of the steer.  And we talked about what we eat that comes from cows and pigs. (Prestyn was hoping there was bacon in our take-home bags!)

This steer weighed 850 pounds!

There were baby calves that were oooh so soft!

And sleepy!

We practiced milking a diary cow.  Make sure you get it in the bucket!

We learned the difference between a draft horse and a riding horse.
 This draft horse, Richard, was 19 hands high!

Jasper, a riding horse wasn't quite so big. 

We planted our own cherry tomato plants from little sprouts the Ag students had planted a month ago.

We had a great day at Ag Day!
Thanks to all the FFA and 4H students for being awesome teachers today!

What I learn today is about horse and bunny,s and about cows today.I got to pet a bunnys.I learn about a horse that was six feet tall.I got to milk a fake cow today .We got to take home a tomatoes plant today.I loved to milked a fake cow.No first graters and NO  kindergardens didn,t come.Most of the poeple where in a differint  class today.I had the best day ever.I loved   to pet bunny’s a lot.I love to  pet  the chinckin’s alot.I love Agriclture day.I had the best day everI love to look at bunny’s - by Hannah


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