Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:43 AM
Mrs.Koehn is the best teacher in the whole wide world because she is funny and makes up wackadoodle names for us. Her classroom theme is B.U.G.S it stands for Bright, Unique, Generous, Students It seems like every word in my classroom has to do with bugs like Every-buggy,Resposi-bug-ities and bee-havior chart.I have lots of friends that are bright unique generous students! by Emma K.

A story by Maya:

Once upon a time there lived a boy and a girl. The boy name was jared and the girl name was Ellen. jared and Ellen loved to play together.
 one day there mother sent them on a scary adventure to take apples to their grandma’s house. They went in the woods and met a wolf.
  the wolf said”hi there” then Ellen said
  “we are not supposed to talk stranger’’
  ‘’ I’m not a stranger I’m a friend of your mom.
     They both said “ you are”
      the wolf said ‘’I’ll lead you to my house for a snack” when they arrived at his house...aaaaaaaahhhhh they both screamed because his house looked creepy and because he ate them both up mmm tasty and the wolf lived happly ever after but not the kids.


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