Sunday, May 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:23 AM
I hope all the mother's, grandmother's and any one who is rockin' the role of mother had a great Mother's Day!  The BUGS were awesome at keeping a secret for THREE MONTHS!  We planted seeds in February and we watched them sprout and grow!  We were a little disappointed that we didn't have any flowers before we took them home for Mother's Day, but we know that they will bloom under the care of our loving moms!

Just for you on your special day,A little something just to say,How much I love you, how much I care,How much better my life is because you are there. Just like me, this little plant will grow,With a little love and rain just so.We’ll both grow stronger and given time,Our lives will blossom and start to shine. You’ve raised me well, you’ve loved me deep.I love to learn, to question and seek! I’m bright and unique, generous too –A lucky B.U.G. to have a mom like you! Happy Mother’s Day! From your little B.U.G. 


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