Friday, April 17, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:04 AM
What did you learn this week from the book, 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey?
What are some things you might do differently now that we've learned about these habits?


  1. I learned that you can make your own fun and don't need friends or family to help you and I'm going to find my own fun from now on.
    I also learned that you have to work before you play. I will start doing that from now on.
    I learned that you don't have to spend all of your time reading and learning sometimes you just have to relax and enjoy the world around you.
    Last I learned that you have to listen with your heart, eyes and ears. I will start doing that from now on. By Taya

  2. I learned that you should practice your stuff before you have fun. I also learned that you and your friends should work as a team against bully's. I learned too to be nice to your friends by using your heart, eyes, not just your ears.By Emily

  3. I learned about to lisen by your hart,eyes not just your ears because if you don't lisen by eyes you'll think they just want to do it a different day. Or if you lisen by your heart you can a little girl or boy like if they say my swetter backwoods. By Ana

  4. I learned that it is my fault that I'm bored. By Azariana

  5. eat good healthy foods. Don't be lazy and go out to play. Go do sports. Then you get to chill. Don't be lazy. By Selah

  6. What I learned was about the story were they were doing soccer with a team called the badgers and what I learned was to work as a team. by kathryn

  7. I lend that running is good for you because wen you running you get more running for laps because laps is Emma

  8. I learned from the 7 habits of happy kids that you should study,get enough sleep,listen with your eyes your ears and your heart,teamwork,you shouldn't always read you should take your mind off of that and you should do something else.By Taylor

  9. I learned about teamwork,listening and I'm going to listen to my friends and family.
    By Steph

  10. I learned that you have to get enough sleep at night and I am going to do that. By McKenna

  11. I learned that you need to listen with your heart eyes and ears. I will go to bed early for one month. By Kara

  12. I learned you need balins in your life so I will ride bikes and play with a friend and sleep. by Elijah

  13. I learned that you don't listen just with your ears you listen with your eyes, heart and ears. I also learned that it's not someone else's fault that I'm bored it's my fault that I'm bored all the time. I also learned you need to do first things first like do all my homework before I go play outside.I also learned that you need to keep balance in your body all the time not just read or just exercise or just relax by laying in bed. By Darrin

  14. be a good Lerner be help full for yore fiends by Thomas

  15. What I have learned about the book 7 Habits of Happy Kids is that you have to listen with your eyes, heart, and your ears. By Tanner.

  16. I learned about listening with your ears and your hart and eyes. I also know don't be lazy be fun. Do flips and chill.By Selah

  17. That one girl was reading at night a lot. when she was at school she seeped at school.when she got home she read. By Marianna

  18. I learnd that you have to have a balins in your life. I also learnd that you have to listen with your ears eyes and hart. I also learned that it is your fault if you are bord.
    by Abby

  19. I learned to read for about 20 minuets that will be good and to go to bed like at 8 30 that will be good for yore brain. by Logan

  20. Lille wont's a garden gast like ms. Hoot,s and hr mom sed tylyn

  21. I learned that you should not just listen with your ears also your heart and eyes. I also learned its not someone else fault that your bored. by Peter
