Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:11 AM

What are some things you are already doing to help save the earth?
What are two ways you can start to reuse, reduce or recycle?


  1. Right now I recycle plastic. I will start using less paper because paper comes from trees. We need trees to breath. I will also start using less craft stuff. I will just use stuff from out side. by Abigail

  2. Wen I have pop cans I go to the store and give them to the thing. Put up a sine that seas now clean the earth by recycling and there will be a recycling bin. I could make art with bottles or keep reusing bottles. By Selah

  3. I recycle by putting paper in the recycling bin at home when I am done with it.
    I will reduce by making empty paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls into something like a speaker.
    I will reuse harder plastic cups and drink out of them every day when I am thirsty.

  4. I am going to not waste paper because I usually waste it when I make a mistake I don't erase it or use the back of the paper.I could reuse my brothers old Nerf box for another house for a palace for my pet doll's .by Kathryn

  5. This is what i did i reused a chocolate c tanner it is a penny holder. i reused one of my little scary house it has boy rings they are scary. i am going to reuse my play latter it will be a fire latter on my top of my house i have a window that goes to my top of my house. by Logan

  6. What I do is recycle I don't put cool toys I'm not putting them in the trash and I'm going to reduce rings to make a cake with Peter

  7. I am going to recycle when I get a doll and it has a clear box I am going to recycle the box. At home I reduce old boxes when I did my castle for Fairy tail Friday. By McKenna

  8. I recycle paper at home in the bin.
    I will reduce stuff by using paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls to make stuff like speakers.
    I will reuse stuff by using a hard plastic water bottle when I need a water bottle. ByTAYA

  9. What I do is recycle bottles two new things I could reuse cardboard and plastic bags. by Elijah

  10. What I could do to help the earth is recycle 10 or 20 things a day. You could do that to ! Another thing I could do is to pick up trash on the ground. You could do that to! One thing I all ready do is not litter you can never litter on the floor. by Tanner

  11. I reuse water bottles by washing them. I reuse fruit by taking the seeds out of them and planting them.
    I recycle Cans by taking them to Family Fare. I recycle paper at school.
    I reduce by reusing lot's of things like water bottles. By Darrin

  12. I already sometimes pick up trash. I picked trash around my house a few days ago. I picked stuff all around.I will recycle cans. I also recycle plastic and paper and stuff like that.By Emily

  13. what I did for the earth is: I picked up trash when it was on the ground and recycled cans water bottles. Then I had to clean the hole yard like put the toys away and pick up sticks. by Ana

  14. I will put up a sine that seas pleas recycle. I could make pop cans into art. I could put pop cans in recycling bin. By Selah

  15. what will i wood clean up gerbil every earth day became i wot the earth to be clean . By Kyle

  16. I think we should rue us are stuff. so theirs no grabs is up. by Marianna

  17. What l recycle.l love recycle paper. by Emma

  18. I would go to the beach to pick up trash and recycle bottles.BY Azariana

  19. I would ask if we could go to the beach and if we could bring a trash bag to pick up all the trash.Then I would go swimming.By Taylor

  20. I take care of my pets every day. I will pick up trash up in my yard. I will recycle stuff. By Kara

  21. I have always pikt up bottle can.To ceep piecing up trash.
