Thursday, April 23, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:38 PM
Today we candled our eggs to see if we could tell which might be developing into chicks and which might not.  We consulted our chart, which said we should see some red veins through the egg around Day 9.  In some eggs, we saw a smaller oval shape inside the egg that was all dark.  In others, we saw a couple dark spots, perhaps the eye and the heart, and they were moving about inside the albumen.  It was really exciting!!  In the end, we think we have 6 eggs with good potential to develop into chicks and 6 that maybe won't.  We marked these eggs with either a green or a blue dot so we can find out on hatching day (May 5th) if our predictions were right!  

This is a short video we took today with one of our eggs:

It took a little technical finagling, but we were able to record what we saw inside the candler.  Can you see the little black spots that are moving about?  

We will keep you posted!!
(We are really excited!!)

1 comment:

  1. It is the best black dot they hacht o my. by logan
