Monday, April 11, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:56 AM
What did you enjoy most about Spring Break?
What are three things you did and one amazing thing you learned?


  1. I loved spending time with my family over break. I went to North Carolina and saw my brother and his family. I went to Tennessee to see my Dad and my second mom and we drove around Kentucky to see all the beautiful horse farms! One thing I learned over break is that it cost $18,000 to build one mile of traditional plank fencing on a horse farm. Zoiks!!

  2. I enjoyed playing with my cousin at a party. I loved it when me and my friend went to my house we played with my toys. My whole family went to my aunts house I had a blast. My important lesson was to share and care for others. By Mariela

  3. i like playing with my planes toys inside and outside. by Sean.

  4. The thing I most liked about spring break is because I went too the biggest aqareum in Michigan. I learned being able too learn is awesome. One thing I did was spend a night at a hotel another thing I did was play with my little baby cousin Zoey and I also saw a seal at the aqareum. Keagan Orr


  5. I learned to wait until my dad is done working then to ask him too get the
    bikes out. I rode my bike. Next i went to grandma and grandpas house. Last I got to spend the night at grandma and grandpas house. Devin

  6. I enjoyed visiting my cousin in Kent.We went to the library we went on a river trail and we visited a new store. I learned that a river was so polluted that it caught fire in Caleb

  7. I enjoyed the most about spring break was getting my new iPad.My first thing I did was go to the Grand rapids museum. My second thing I did was go to Taco Bell. My last thing I did was go to my sisters gymnastic Residual. One thing I learned was do not color with a permanent marker on a table. By Vanessa L

  8. One fun thing I did is go to Mire Garden and I had a sleepover and I went to my Grandmas and one fun thing I learned is that Mire Garden is fun. Nathan

  9. I liked playing video games and playing my gettar and and playing with my family. I learned to toowning my gettar is hard. by Drew

  10. I enjoyed going to Chicago. At Chicago I enjoyed going to the park. I also liked going to The Hershey factory. I spun a wheel and candy came pouring out. Finally I enjoyed Getting Chocolate ice cream. The amazing thing I learned is that walking is not that easy. By Jacob

  11. I enjoyed playing with my family and playing basket ball in the water. Also me mom dad and my sister went on a water slide that went out of the building and it was super fun. The most amazing thing I learned that you need to where a bracelet or you cant get in the water park. by Blake

  12. I learned to wait for dad to get my bike.first I got too ride my bike.Next I slept at grandmas house.Last I went too grandmas for two days.Devin

  13. I enjoyed seeing my family and I liked seeing butterflys and staying at home and seeing frends I learned sping break dose not last forever. by Naomi

  14. My three favorite things are when I got my ears pearsd I got ladybugs in my ears and it did not hurt!!!. I love when I spent so much time with my family. I like to dance in front of my mom. The most amazing thing I learned is to be brave. By Madelynn

  15. The three things I enjoy was going to the water park. Another thing I did over spring break was going to my friend house. Another thing I learned is to practice spelling. Cadasia

  16. I liked that it snowed. I like that I got A copol days off of school. I rode my bike. BY Kegan T

  17. Three things I enjoyed are seeing my grandparents two times.I liked seeing my mom. I liked seeing the church without my mom. I learned about the FedEx cup. By William
