Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 3:19 PM

Our plant experiment has been growing like crazy!!  We were not surprised when the plant that "needed oil" did not grow.  (Turns out, they don't.)  We were also not surprised that plants need time to grow (our seeds didn't grow after just one day).   

We had to use a box to keep one sprout out of the sunlight.  We had a plastic cup over it, but the sprout kept growing and just pushed the cup up!

This is how tall the "no sunlight" sprout got.  This prompted a great discussed about what SEEDS need vs. what PLANTS need.  (We are keeping the plant under the box just to see if it will keep growing now that it is a plant.)

We also pulled out one of our plants so we could see the roots.  They were fascinating!!

We even got to split open the seed and see the seedling leaves that were forming inside!


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