Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:27 AM
We are learning about the life cycle of a chicken - starting with the egg!

The best day to learn, of course, is to crack one open!  

The class worked in partners to discover the parts of an egg.

We started with hardboiled eggs and found a membrane underneath the shell that keeps water in but allows air to pass through.  

We also looked at the white and the yolk!

Next, we cracked open raw eggs to see what else we could find!

Now we could see the chalazae!  Do you know what the chalazae does? It is the little white cord on either side of the yolk that helps to keep it centered in the white (albumen).  This is very important when the embryo is developing (but not so important if we are going to scramble the eggs for breakfast!)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha Mrs.Koehn my favorite part in science was the chickens but I still love science chicken or no chicken this year. By Kara Turnock
