Friday, May 20, 2016

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:16 AM
Agricultural Awareness Day is a wonderful field trip (it's Mrs. Koehn's favorite!!) 
We learned about all kinds of different animal hides and we got to touch them!
 (When else can you touch a skunk?)

We learned a lot of interesting facts about cows!
We were amazed at how much weight they will gain in the next couple of months! 

We also learned about sheep and goats.  

They were so soft to pet!

We learned about horses and how to be safe around such large animals!

The horses didn't seem too interested to learn about us.

We got to pet a dairy calf that was only a week old!  Awwww!

We all giggled at the crazy pigs!  They were so playful!

We are so grateful to Mrs. Butler for arranging this trip every year!
We learn so much about our local agricultural community!
Thank you to the Van Buren Youth Fair for inviting us!

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