Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:35 AM
Will the month of March come in like a lion or a lamb?  Why do you think so?

I think March will be in like a lion because it is cold outside and windy. I think March will be out like a lamb because it is close to summer. By Jude

I think it will roar like a lion because yesterday and today I saw people that wore coats. By Christian

I think March will come in like a lion because today is wet and tomorrow might have a lot of rain. By Benny

I think it will come in like a lion because last year it was stormy and grose. By Gavin

I think March will be like first like a lion and out like a lamb because it would be nice to have stormy first calm last. By Sophia  

I think March will come in like a lion because it has been cold and raining. By Kami

I think it is lion then a lamb because at the end of March it is my birthday so I can play football with my friends. By Jackson    

I think March will be like the lamb because March is very smooth and March is close to summer. By Evan

I think in March it will come in like a lamb because it is almost Spring. By Bradley

I think it will be both because of our weird whether. By Ezekiel

I think March will come in like a lamb and come out like a lion because the saying is “April showers brings May flowers” it will bring rain and give May flowers. By Natalie

I think it will come with the roar like a lion and out with a lamb because we have been having rainy days. By Karsyn

I think it's going to be both because I think what will come first is a lion then come out with lamb at the end because I will like some sun and rane. By Logan

I think in March it is going to be a lamb because it can get sunny and nice some time. By Olivia

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:01 AM
What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?  Why is it your favorite?

My favorite fruit is a apple because that's how I lost my tooth. By Benny

My favorite fruit is a pumpkin because you can make a lot of things out of it. I like pumpkin pie and for Halloween you can make jack o lanterns. By Jude 

My favorite fruit is a pumpkin. A pumpkin has really good seeds. Pumpkin seeds are super good cooked. Pumpkins my favorite because they have super good tasting seeds. That is why it is my favorite fruit. By Sophia  

My favorite fruit is apples because sometimes I eat them after school and I eat them for breakfast before school! By Alex

My favorite fruit is a chary because when I go up north I can eat the charys. They  are so good! I eat all the charys. By Natalie  

My favorite fruit is an apple because they are juicey. By Bradley

My favorite vegetable is corn because it goes great with mashed potatoes and meat. Another reason corn is my favorite vegetable is because my mom makes it on Thanksgiving. By Christian 

My favorite fruit is a banana because it tastes smooshy and good. By Kami

My favorite food is an orange because they are a little sour for the juice. By Andrew  

My favorite fruit is bananas. I like that fruit because bananas are good. By Blayne

My favorite fruit an apple. An apple grows on a tree in an orchard. By Karleigh

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:40 AM

We had such fun on Valentine's Day!! We played "Minute-to-Win-It" games!

We stacked Fruit Loops on popsicle sticks...

We stacked cups...

We tried to scoop up rigatoni with linguini noodles!

We made smiley faces with M&Ms!

We tried to get a Nilla Wafer from our head to our mouth without using our hands!

AND we had ice cream sundaes!!

Laughing with our friends was a great way to spend an afternoon!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:15 AM
We had a whole bunch of 100's today!
We are all so proud of the hard work that has gone into learning our math facts! 
Way to go BUGS!! 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:14 AM
Today we put all our learning about erosion into hands-on experiments!

Today we tried our hand at creating erosion.  We built some landforms in sand (mountains, hills, plateaus, valleys...) and then we saw the effects of wind erosion on those landforms. 

We also found out how water can change the earth.  Again, we built some landforms in sand, and then it "rained" down on our land and we saw how the sand moved with the rain water!

We tried to think of ways to prevent the water erosion.  We made paths for the water to travel, like rivers and streams.  This helped the water to stay where we wanted it and to not erode other areas.

We also researched ways that wind, water and ice can change our world and we found evidence to show if those were slow or fast changes!  Researching is an important part of science!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:03 AM
After our salt dough landforms dried, we painted them.

It was fun to paint the hills...

...put lava on our volcanos...

...paint our plateaus...

...and make mountains!

Then we put our landforms on our maps!

We now had examples of glaciers, gulfs, oceans...

...volcanos, hills, mountains...

...islands, bays, plateaus...

...valleys, lakes and rivers.

We loved this hands-on science project that really helped us understand the differences in bodies of water and landforms!