Friday, February 10, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:14 AM
Today we put all our learning about erosion into hands-on experiments!

Today we tried our hand at creating erosion.  We built some landforms in sand (mountains, hills, plateaus, valleys...) and then we saw the effects of wind erosion on those landforms. 

We also found out how water can change the earth.  Again, we built some landforms in sand, and then it "rained" down on our land and we saw how the sand moved with the rain water!

We tried to think of ways to prevent the water erosion.  We made paths for the water to travel, like rivers and streams.  This helped the water to stay where we wanted it and to not erode other areas.

We also researched ways that wind, water and ice can change our world and we found evidence to show if those were slow or fast changes!  Researching is an important part of science!


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