Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:35 AM
Will the month of March come in like a lion or a lamb?  Why do you think so?

I think March will be in like a lion because it is cold outside and windy. I think March will be out like a lamb because it is close to summer. By Jude

I think it will roar like a lion because yesterday and today I saw people that wore coats. By Christian

I think March will come in like a lion because today is wet and tomorrow might have a lot of rain. By Benny

I think it will come in like a lion because last year it was stormy and grose. By Gavin

I think March will be like first like a lion and out like a lamb because it would be nice to have stormy first calm last. By Sophia  

I think March will come in like a lion because it has been cold and raining. By Kami

I think it is lion then a lamb because at the end of March it is my birthday so I can play football with my friends. By Jackson    

I think March will be like the lamb because March is very smooth and March is close to summer. By Evan

I think in March it will come in like a lamb because it is almost Spring. By Bradley

I think it will be both because of our weird whether. By Ezekiel

I think March will come in like a lamb and come out like a lion because the saying is “April showers brings May flowers” it will bring rain and give May flowers. By Natalie

I think it will come with the roar like a lion and out with a lamb because we have been having rainy days. By Karsyn

I think it's going to be both because I think what will come first is a lion then come out with lamb at the end because I will like some sun and rane. By Logan

I think in March it is going to be a lamb because it can get sunny and nice some time. By Olivia


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