Thursday, May 23, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:30 PM
   Fire Fighters
                                              By John

Did you know that FireFighters help the community and they save people’s homes from fire. Firefighters go to fire’s in fire engines.There are different kinds of fire engines.The pumper truck pumps water and doesn't hold water.The Tanker truck holds water , usually tankers hold 2,000 gallons of water. The ladder trucks use ladders to put out fires.

Yesterday it was my birthday so my mom and dad went to Walmart to buy a lot of cupcakes for the whole family to eat . My dad invited his cousin because we were having cheeseburgers‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍.I‍❤️‍‍cheeseburgers so much . Now I’m ten are ready.
I just wanna say thanks mom for the gift you got for me and dad and for letting me carry little tony on my birthday. I LOVE You ❤️ MOMMY!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM
On Monday my mom went to the hospital because my little brother was born. His name is Juan Diaz but were calling him little Tony for short. Today my mom and dad are coming back from the hospital‍. The first time I looked at my new baby brother he looked like he was happy and bright. I’m so happy and glad that my mom had a little baby boy ! My life keeps getting better and better !       I love you little Brother By Mia

My little baby brother is so cute! My little baby brother has been home for only seven days now. Every night he cries but in the day he’s sleeping or awake. When he is awake he rather be laying down or my mom will carry him. I been dying to carry my baby brother but my mom said wait until I turn ten witch is in two days. I’m going to be so glad and HAPPY to see my little baby brother when I get home!  I LOVE my little baby brother so much! Your FAVORITE big sister Mia

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:56 AM
Can’t Wait Until Summer

So do you know how when you were or are a kid you, just can’t wait for summer well that’s me! So, the reason I just can’t wait for summer is because 1. I have my birthday at the end of June which is during the beginning of SUMMER 2. Before that I go to yogi bear water park and this year (actually the first year ever) my dads new girlfriend is coming(Tanya) 3. I get to go to Safari Joe’s with Tanya and my dad and my sister 4. And...I...I...GET TO GO TO SUMMER CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have 4 reasons to not wait until summer. Can you wait to be in summer? Why or why not?

By Elizabeth

P.S. Ask your kid if they can’t wait until summer

Summer is the best
Mse bubbles for fun
My favorite thing to do is ride a bike
My other favorite thing to do is ride 3 wheelers
Endless fun is on the line
Run outside and you will be as hot as an oven

Take the Beautiful weather in and enjoy it
Igloo no way summer fort yes way
More heat no thanks less heat sure
Exciting time summer is

by Elizabeth

Daisy By:Karleigh

 Do you have a dog like me???? I have a dog and I named her Daisy! Daisy is so adorable and cuddly and cute . I love her so much, she has a little wet puppy nose!!!!!!!!!!!DAISY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! I... just...can’t... wait...until... I...get...home…!!!!!!!!!
  If you play with her she will jump and bite in a playful way. Daisy is a Blue heeler puppy. Daisy is intelligent,annoying,smart,daring,young! I love her so much and she loves me back!

                                                   By John

It’s fun to build creations with legos .You can even use your imagination when you build with legos .When I build with legos I use my imagination to build lego police and fire stations,also I build office buildings.If you build legos you can make creations however you want.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:55 AM

In a few weeks I am going to go and see my bunka for Memorial Day. I am super excited about it because I never get to see her. But there’s a reason for that, and that is that she is like right on the edge of Detroit. And my dad lives in a small town named St.Joe. When I do see her I try to make it count. And I also get to see other people to almost every time I go there. But the sad part is that she is in a retirement home witch means she’s old. Her husband (my papa) died when I was 5. But I got over it, and so did she. I need to spend my time wisely with her. by Elizabeth

Friday, February 22, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:31 PM
Our reading Essential Question this week posed: How can advances in science be helpful or harmful?  I asked the students to blog about advancements they know of on either side of that question.  Here is what they came up with today:

I think they could be  helpful because gm foods could save world hunger and cure eyesight they are getting advanced and it’s good and bad I told you the good stuff now I will tell you the bad if they make a mistake and say they accidentally put the chemical that’s on gm food on weeds it would be horrible the weeds would take over the garden and kill all the crops and keep growing and you can’t kill it because it has the chemical in it so you can’t that’s how it could be helpful and harmful. by Brandyn

Some advancements in science I think have been helpful are cars. I think they are helpful because they go faster than a horse and buggy did. Other advancements in science I think have been helpful are medicines. I think they are helpful because they sometimes keep us from being dead. Some advancements in science I think have been harmful are pesticides. I think this because they bugs didn’t do anything wrong. Other advancements in science I think have been harmful are fertilizer. I think this because fertilizer could get in your water sources. By Christian

One way advances in science be helpful is that scientists can make a cure for something that doesn’t have a cure to.One way that they can be harmful is that something could make a huge explosion.My last reason that science can be helpful is that to find new things out like a different kind a dinosaur and then we can find out if it’s extinct. Which it probably is.My last reason why science is harmful is that something could go wrong.Like one cure gets mixed with another cure something could go wrong.                   By: Victoria

Some adavacments in science are that gm foods are keeping away the bugs But is the chemical safe for you and but it keeps germs . And it feeds more people It takes longer to harvest. By Michael

Some ways advancements can be harmful is when scientists are creating new chemicals because it might cause pollution in the water or in the air. Another way is when they are making GM food or BT corn, it can cause fish to die because the chemicals and it can take away air in the water. Scientific advances can be helpful because it can save money to grow food and to grow more food for the world. It can also be helpful because it can find more ways to cure illnesses like cancer and other illnesses. It can also be helpful because they could breed different animals so we can have more food producers.  By Aiden

I think some advances in science are helpful because some make farmers job easier because they don’t have to protect crops any more because we have pesticides that protect plants for them but some of those pesticides end up in our food and water so they could be harmful if we have to much pesticides. Another advance in science is fertilizer they could be helpful because farmers don’t have to move every year. They could be bad because they end up in our food and water.  Bradley

Some advancements in science that have been helpful are bt corn it helps so bugs don’t eat all the corn. Another thing that is helpful and harmful is investive farming it help so it is cheaper for people to buy. But it’s harmful because the fertilizer gets in the water sources. Also when scientists invent new medicine it helps people how are really sick like leukemia how my friend is recovering from leukemia but is doing really Benny

Some ways that science can be helpful is when the farmers or scientists keep bugs off the crops. Another way they can be helpful is if they can produce more food. Some ways they can be harmful is if they kill the food by trying to kill the bugs. Another reason they could put poison in the foods. Those are some ways advancement in science can be helpful and harmful. By Natalie

I think some advancements in good like Bt corn because Bt corn has a gene that causes worms and bugs that want to eat the crop won’t. Also I think GM foods are good as well because one of the GM foods (a different kind of rice) has less symptoms of blindness. I think they are bad because Bt corn we don’t know if it’s healthy or not. The pesticide gene in the corn could really be harmful to us humans. -Sophia R.

Science can be helpful and harmful. The thing that is helpful is learning more new things in science that I never knew about like we write some things in our journal everyday and we write down some things that are new to me.Things that are harmful to me are when we write something down in my journal ‍‍‍it does not look right to me .         by Mia

Some advancements in science are bad because poison could get in the lakes and rivers and when bears and birds drink the water the animals will die of sufacation.It is helpful by making farming easier than it is now and less work. By Gavin

In advances in science can be helpful by, medicine can help cure sickness New nuclear power the energy can last for a really long time.The new Electric and Hybrid cars do not produce any pollution in the air.They are inventing new ways to protect crops,make crops grow bigger.In the ways advances can be harmful is medicine some of them have really bad effects on a person.Nuclear power is super dangerous as well.The electric cars costs a whole lot of money the battery is 10,000 dollars. The new ways to protect crops the spray they put on themis making the waters and lakes die with the fish.Making bigger crops may not be healthy the GM foods have not proven or have evidence that it’s bad. By,Braden.C

Some advancements in science that are helpful to me are advances in science have changed the way farmers grow corn.these advancements have also made consumers think about what they eat.what are some things that have been harmful to me is that  yet farmers have been marketingthem to fast because the corn is supposed to take longer to grow.By:Ava

Some advancements in science that have been helpful are keeping the bugs away from the crops and changing the way the crops grow in a good way. Some ways advancements in science can be harmful are the ways some crops roots are bad from the pests that are hurting the plant.   By Madison

Friday, February 15, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:26 PM
One of The most important thing to me is my parents because they take me to Mexico , Florida and silver lake. My parents are also the most important thing to me because they take me out to eat , they always are nice to me and they take me to water parks and Roller coasters.bradley

I am thankful for River because she always gives me love and laughter. She always makes me laugh when I’m sick. She turns my frown upside down. She also gives me something to do when I am bored. She is also the only one to get my boredom fixed. She makes my face light up when ever I see her. This is why I am thankful for her.- Aiden

The thing that is very important to me is my cat Striper because her sister was my mom’s favorite cat until she died. Now Striper is the cat of the house and she is getting all of the attention in the house. Chase is the cat’s favorite person in are house. By Andrew

The most important person in my life is my grandma because when something Sad or bad  happens to me she is always there for me and takes me to do fun Things and I now that She loves me. By michael

My grandma is if not the most important person in my life then she is one of them.She is very special to me because she  has always been there for me and she is fun she takes us to the movies and we watch movies at her house. Another reason she is special is because she is my grandma. Also she gives us candy and inspires us to follow are dreams.By Benny

Someone or something that is important to me is my mom. She is important because she cooks dinner. She also cleans the house. She takes care of all the pets like the bunny the dog and the bird. She makes the beds. She does a lot for the family. She also buys me toys. She does laundry and dishes. She plays with me. She pays some of the bills. She takes care of everyone in the family By Christian

My dad is impotent to me because he loves me and  I would not pick Another dad. And  he is special to me. And he helps me and I love him very much!! By Lydia

My grandma raised me She took me in ever cents I was there I left my grandmas house and I see her a lot I can’t fight when I can use like my name to me so I can I like it more than I would like my moms house is happy and I like it a lot i’m glad that I still see mom but not every day like other kids do - by Kailee

My mom is very important to me because she loves me even when I do things wrong. She helps me through bad times. She does not give up on me. She hugs when I need it most. We have our fun and games. Like teasing on each other. We laugh and joke. If I didn’t have her than I would not know the joy to life. That’s why I love her so much. By Sophia

My rag dolls are very important to me. One reason there important is because I have had them since I was a baby. Another reason they are important to me is because my parents gave them to me. My last reason is because they’re loved so much I also sleep with them every night. That is why my rag dolls are important to me.By:Natalie

Friends are very important to me because they will always be there for me no matter what. Another reason friends are important is because they will always be by my side. They will fight for you. Most of the time… Anyways another reason is because if I feel sad or angry I go to my friends and play. That’s why friends are something important to me! By Victoria

My grandma Keeler was a very important person in my life why well because I felt like she was the person I was inspired to be I was like her little marshmallow. We’d bake cookies we’d play card games we’d even sometimes play Yahtzee. She was my grandma and I was her granddaughter We were each other’s. We used to do everything together we were like to pease in a pod she was my best friend until that all ended she had cancer and went to the hospital she went to the hospital before but never for this reason the family was concerned and very worried sadly about two weeks later she passed away the whole family went (my dads side of the family) to her funeral I also went I missed her so much I wanted her to stay but she went ever since then I missed her so much I cried one time and my dad calmed me down. just know that she is loved by all☺️ by Hannah

The most important and thankful thing is my mom because she helps me on homework,she also makes me dinner and lunch for me.My grandma does the same for me.My mom is the best I just want her to take a break because she is working to hard.They are really loving on me,my sister and my brother. By Gavin

Ila is a very important person to me because she’s a great friend and she love me to pieces. Ila is very important to me in many different ways . And I really connected to her last year on Valentine’s Day my mom wasn’t able to be there all Valentine’s week and Ila really made me feel like I was at home . Her mom even gave me all the same stuff that her kids got . Ila is like a sister to me because we are close and we sometimes fight . by Karsyn

I have had a lot of special things in my life a rare collectible bear, my mom and even a necklace my grandma gave me before she died but by far the most important is my dog molly. Molly is a black labradoodle who’s been with me since birth and when my dad went away to fight in Iraq. Molly has always been gentle and never bit anyone in my family my mom has also told me that when I was young and I would cry if mom didn’t hear Molly would bark. She also very loyal but she also has hip dysplasia which men’s she can’t walk very fast and she can’t go up stairs as easily and other dogs. Finally she is very special because has always stayed strong even though she get injections every day she’s never complained, she alway persevered even through all that she been through including the fact she was from an animal shelter. That’s why she’s so special. By Bella

On Valentine’s Day all the people in my family is important to me but on Valentine’s Day is my cousin Hannah’s birthday. I usually spend time playing with her. She is important to me because she’s amazing she is my cousin and she is honest. My family is important to me because they help me when I need it. They are there for me when I need them and they take care of me. The most important person I care for is my brother because he’s my best friend. He’s my brother and he’s been honest also he doesn’t think of just himself he thinks of others By Madison

My special someone is my parents .why they are special to me is because they gave me a gift that was at a store and that store was so beautiful I said then I saw a snow globe and it was so small and I loved it and I wanted it so bad so I asked my parents if I could buy it but they said they didn’t have enough money to pay for it so I didn’t get it.But once it came Christmas Day I got a that little snow globe I wanted really bad and that is why they didn’t get it for me and once they told me that I was so excited and happy I wanted to scream I was so happy I said I love them so much I never wanted to leave you and they were so happy I said that to them cause they love me and my sister that they never wanted to leave us. By:Ava

Someone that is my mom and my dad because my mom taught me how to tie my shoes and my dad taught me how to draw good.Another reason is that my mom taught me how to download games on my tablet and my dad  taught me how to operate my safe.That is why my mom and my dad are important to me. By John

My family is very important to me because my dad lets me call him Spanish names and the names that I call him are not funny to him.I like to hangout with my mom just us too no baby brother no little sister around because when me and my mom be together she go to the mall and we get ice cream last time I got the Superman ice cream it’s rainbow colors and I got two. I don’t really like hanging out with my big brother because he’s never home every time my family goes out to eat dinner my big brother calls my mom to bring him food . My little brother and sister are crazy because they eat candy a lot and when I go to bed I can’t sleep because there yelling all the time. I still love them all so much. - Mia

My dog is nice he lakes to play he is little he likes to snuggle with me he kinda likes cats I love my dog he is fun he is funny he watches tv with me.  Dakota

Friday, January 11, 2019

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:30 PM
Today our class had a very SWEET surprise!!  Bloomingdale Communications brought doughnuts for our class!! We were thrilled with the surprise breakfast and gobbled them right up!  
Thanks to Mr. Davison for nominating our class and to Bloomingdale Communications for spreading sweet cheer throughout our classroom today!