Friday, November 8, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:57 AM

Mr. Alan St. Jean, the author of four picture books and four chapter books came to visit us at the Early Elementary on Tuesday.  



He talked with us about the writing process, about how long it takes him to write a book and where he gets his ideas from. 


He showed us how his books all have a problem and a solution and that making the solution unpredictable is part of what makes a great children's book. 



He showed us some of the early sketches of his character, Ralphie, and we learned that even illustrators make a lot of drafts before they make the perfect drawing!


Mr. St. Jean uses the same writing process we are learning!  He starts with an idea, practices his story (even drawing a quick sketch of the beginning, middle and end sometimes) and writes many drafts with revisions before he is done with the story! 

We learned a lot from this author and hope that someday we have our names on the cover of a book too! 


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