When it is a Turkey Glyph!! We made turkeys that tell about our Thanksgiving celebrations and traditions (well, mainly what we EAT!) Check out what we are doing for the holiday!
You have to follow the code...Make sure you include all your favorite things...like pumpkin pie, and mashed potatoes...
But don't put green feathers unless you like green bean casserole!
(remember, Moms will see this at conferences! They might hold you to it!)Don't forget to tell us if you're staying home or going somewhere else for the holiday by making your feet yellow or red!
I didn't see a single turkey with closed eyes...guess everyone likes dessert! I'll be eating my gravy in the dining room!
I'll take extra helpings of corn and dinner rolls, please!
Just white meat for me, please! And hold the gravy!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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