Saturday, November 2, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:02 AM

On Thursday afternoon, our room transformed itself from a room full of BUGS to a room full of werewolves, swamp things, minions and vampires!  Here's a look at our Halloween costume party!

ImagePrestyn the vampire, Dylan the Knight in Shining Armor, Cameron the werewolf and Orrin the dinosaur.



Tyler and Ian were ninjas, Billy the spider, Abigail the cat and Maya the monkey!



Kaylee the rock star, Emma K. a bumblebee, Emma A. a crazy monster, Kolleana a rock star and Zoie a bumblebee!


Evan was a vampire alien, Jaylen as Pikachu and Hunter was Robin Hood.



Macy was a pirate (see her great pirate face?  Arrrggg!), Teagen the minion, Sophie the vampire and Avery was Catwoman.


Sydney the mermaid, Jose the ninja and James was Swampthing!


Despite the pouring rain, we enjoyed our parade through the classrooms and our party afterwards!



We played some Halloween BINGO and listened to the Monster Mash!



We ate ourselves silly and had some great laughs with friends!

ImageA huge thanks to all the parents, grandparents and friends who helped bring items for our party, get us into costume and sing along with the Ghostbusters theme song!  We had a great day today and we couldn't have done it without all your help!


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