Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:20 AM

'Twas the day before break and all through the room,
The BUGS were busy - no time for gloom!
There were gifts to give out and hugs to deliver!
People to thank and praise to consider!

We handed out ornaments to teachers and staff,It put smiles on their faces, and sometimes a laugh!
We wanted to thank them for all that they do,
Cleaning and teaching and feeding us, too!

It's important to thank all the people you love,
To show you appreciate all their help and their love!
We wish you all Happy Holidays and very blessed New Year's!
Now off we go - to spread more holiday cheer!



  1. Those ornaments were very special and such a neat idea. Zoie let me have the ornament first to hang on my tree. Now next year someone else in the family gets it to hang on their tree. It will be passed around each year to different family members. It is sure to become an heirloom in our family.

  2. i loved that day. by maya.l
