Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM

Hi my name is Avery. Today is Friday and also the day before Christmas break. And I am so excited to go to my Grandma ‘s house tomorrow for early Christmas with my cousins Stella and Andrew and Jonathon maybe Kendall and Alexandra my sister Meagan  my other cousins Nate and Elannor.I will be there too.On Christmas Eve my Grandma Miller is coming to celebrate Christmas with us.On Christmas mornning we will open our presents.At ten oclock we go to uor Grandma S.’s house and do our gift exchange. Like we do every year.On New Years Eve my cousins Luke and Lauren and Stella and Andrew and my family is going to a hotel in Kalamazoo with a bowling alley and a swimming pool too.In January we come back to school .Also on New Years day its my cousin Nora’s Birthday . Speaking of Birthday’s my sisters Birthday is on January 31st.Merry christmas and a happy New year.-Avery


I like to swing on the swing’s because you can get axersias. and I Iike to read book’s because they make me smarter. And I like to go outside and play. by Billy


I love my teacher. I think she is the best because she helps me do things that are wrong to be  right. Her name is Mrs.Koehn. by Emma K.


Hey its me Kolleana and now I have a baby sister her name is Abigail she was born on the 16 of December. And also I am getting a new bedroom and I am so excited for it.And I don’t like to brag but I am Little Miss Paw Paw! Bye happy holidays. From Kolleana


My teacher is the best.I love her so much.She is the best teacher in the whole wide world.She is my second grade teacher.She helps the class. by Macy



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