Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:27 AM

We were all pretty excited about two weeks off from school, and we enjoyed our last day together before break playing Around the World, Apples to Apples and a new game, appropriately named, "Sad, Sad Day." 


For while we were anxious for the holidays to come, for sleep-in days and reading in bed, we had to say goodbye to a dear classmate today and for that, our hearts were a little heavy. 


We are sad to say goodbye to Evan as he has been an incredible friend, student and child.  We are all better for having known him and we will miss him terribly!  We wish him all the blessings we can as he moves to Detroit and we hope the students in his new class love and adore him as much as we all do!


We all took turns sharing adjectives that best described Evan.  Beautiful words poured out of the kids, like, "funny," "hilarious," "great listener," "handsome" and "cool".  He took it all in, and we hope he holds that in his heart wherever he goes. 

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