Thursday, March 12, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:45 AM
Imagine you are a book.
What genre of book would you be?
What would you be about?


  1. Be a sharks book . Sum people will pick not me i said pick me.

  2. I may open self and close self and I can flip my page.And same one. By Emma

  3. If I was a book I would be about. A dog would be fiction I the villain in the book would be a giant alien with a frown he would have a space helmet with a bunch of big buttons on him. by Peter

  4. I would be Olaf and I would have a Olaf
    poping out of it and it would be fantasy and it would be a book for little kids and it would be awesome and it would have a Olaf come with it By Mckenna

  5. The book wood be called The Flower Book.BY STEPHENE

  6. I would be a nonfiction book about Dinosaurs it would be called The T Rex and other Dinosaurs by Kathryn. the publishers would publish it .

  7. My genre would be biography because it will give you information. Or the publishers would be amazed , entertained about the book and would publish me right away. Or the publishers would all say PUBLISH RIGHT NOW! So all the people in the whole wide world would read me and be amazed. The would be about Calvin Johnson,Jr. He is an famous football player for the Detroit lions. By Darrin

  8. My genre wold be non-fiction because I would want to teach people about the life cycle of a plant and how that happens in the life cycle of it. The publishers would be amazed at me because I would be so great book and they would publish me imiadiatly and they would say ''Wow this book is great!!'' and I would be bought by a lot of people. By Taya

  9. My genre would be fantasy.It would be about a princess who had a kitten and a prince who had a puppy.The princess's name was Ally and the prince's name was Drew.They fell in love and their pets did too!Then the pets and the people get married at the end.The people would yell at me to publish it!They would love it so much!By Taylor

  10. I will be about a super hero named Dog a cute. Her sidekick will be Puppy Lover. My genre will be fiction. because super hero's are not real. I will also be a book abut biography. It will be about my best friend Emilly. Because She is the best. By Kara

  11. I would be a cat book and my genre would be an informational book because I like to read about science and I like cats there my favorite animal! by Emily

  12. My genre is NF Non-fiction.I want to teach people about animals including Birds,Amphibians.
    by, Azariana

    1. I would definitely read that book! By Brandi

  13. If I were a book I would be a Non-Fiction book and my genre will be NF,s about People,Plants,and Animals. If I was a NF people think I am real. By Tanner

  14. If I was a book the book wood be prints-es Ty

  15. my book will be a nonitfxshen and. my book will be a batman book. by dawson
