Thursday, March 26, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:53 AM
Make some predictions about the peregrine falcon nest Kalamazoo.  Do you think the falcons will lay eggs?  How many eggs do you think there might be?  What other prey do you think they might bring back to the nest to eat?  What do you think the falcons do during the day?

(Want to know why we are so fascinated with the falcons?
 Check out this website where you can learn about and watch peregrine falcons in Kalamazoo!)


  1. I think she will have a mouse to eat. I think she will have 7 babies. I think they hunt stuff or sit and look at the view out side or fly around eat food save food for dinner. By Selah

  2. I think the peregrine will come back with a bird for lunch . I think it has eggs.marianna

  3. I think that it will have eggs in the summer and when they grow up they will look like there mother I think there will be 3 eggs. I think it will a baby rabbit. by Elijah

  4. I thing they can lay 5 eggs .I hop chik . By Kyle

  5. I think there are going to be eggs in the box. Because I think they have 4-5 eggs because they are grown up birds. I think they are also going to hunt for prey. I think they might fly by Peter

  6. I think they have 6-7 eggs or 5 eggs. I also think that they eat little birds and squirrels.
    By Stephene

  7. i think the female bird lays 2 eggs a day because they are so big. What they are going to have for there next breakfast or lunch or dinner is a small rabbit to eat. then look out for the baby's. By Ana

  8. I think that the peregrine falcon is going to have bunny for lunch and to have owl for dinner tonight. because bunny hop during the day so when dark they wont get eaten during night and because owls hunt at night for mice.
    I think its going to lay 3 eggs in the spring because most birds lay eggs in the spring and also because it is warm. Also because birds lay almost all the time 3 eggs.
    I think today its looking at traffic and watching the beautiful view in Kalamazoo today. Also I think its looking a mile away from his nest for prey. Also I think its ready to take a nap today. By Darrin

  9. I think that the falcon will lay eggs because she has a mate and she seems like she will have babies. by Taya

  10. I think that the falcon might bring back a bunny or some other kind of small animal.I think that because Mrs.Koehn told us that Peregrine Falcons eat small animals.For example bunnies.By Taylor

  11. I thank the falcon will have eggs if she has a mate.I thank there will be 4 or 5 eggs.I also thank she will bring back a mouse or a rat or something to eat. I thank during the day she goes go out and hunts for Emily

  12. I think they hunt for the day or they fly around looking for food then go back to the nest and go back later to to go where s/he saw food.
    I think Peregrine Falcons lay up to 8 eggs cause big birds lay a lot of eggs. Falcons are big big birds. I think they will bring small birds or a baby rabbit or a small owl. By Kara

  13. I think she is going to catch a rabbit and lay some eggs. I think she flies around to see the view of Kalamazoo. I think the bird will lay six eggs.Azariana

    1. I think it was funny that we both watched videos of peregrine falcons. Mine wasn't as exciting as yours though. I think yours was in live action while mine was not. Let me know what happens if you find out.

  14. I think the falcon is going to lay 5 or 6 eggs. Also I think it will catch a bird or a rabbit for dinner.By Abigail

  15. I think the bird will eat a smaller bird to eat and bring one home for dinner by Kathryn

  16. I think they will lay 3 eggs.I no what they mite git for diner it is a big fat jusy beard. That is all i cood think. by Logan

  17. The egg are little you can not see them l think their are 4 or 3 egg. I think that the mom falcon get a frog for briefs. by Emma

  18. I think the falcon is going to lay 7 eggs. I think the the falcon what it is going to have for dinner is going to have a bird and for breakfast the falcon is going to have a bunny and for lunch a moil. I think what the falcon is finds its food for in the morning for breakfast at night. In the day time the falcon is going to think of flying and looking at the cars by McKenna

  19. I think the peregrine will come back with a bird for lunch. I think it has eggs.By Marianna

  20. I think the falcon found a mate. I think she laid her eggs I think she laid 100 eggs. now they have baby chicks. by Tanner
