Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:44 PM
Today we got to meet some people from the Farm Bureau who shared interesting information with us about Michigan farms and agriculture!  We learned that Michigan produces 74% of the world's tart cherries!  That's a lot!  We also learned that agriculture is a $101,000,000,000 industry in Michigan.  That's a lot of zeros!  

We learned about some of the ways farmers care for their crops and animals.

We also thought about resources that farmers use including water, people, land and animals.  

Finally, we got to make a "farm charm" necklace to remind us of all the parts of a farm!  

We are so thankful to our friends at the Farm Bureau for spending time with us today and teaching us about farming in Michigan!  We are also thankful for Mrs. Butler who arranged this learning opportunity for us!


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