Monday, March 23, 2015

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:52 PM
Reading - Work on increasing the amount of time your child can read without stopping at home.  Have your child pick out a chapter book or several picture books and find a comfortable place to read.  Give your child a timer (or cell phone) with the timer counting up.  Put your child in charge, and tell them they have to stop the timer if they get up to use the bathroom, get a drink, or even just daydream.  Record how long your student was able to continuously read.  Try each day to beat that time by just a minute!  (If your child is working through a more challenging book, save that for a time when they can stop and ask for help with words, etc.  For increasing focused attention during reading, make sure the books are at your child's independent reading level.)

Math - As we move into working with metric measurements, provide opportunities for your child to measure things around the house in metric and standard units.  If you're in the car without a ruler, make estimations together!  Even standing in line at the grocery store is a great chance to estimate measurements of things in the cart or the distance to the cashier!


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