Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
We had a blast on Halloween!  We didn't let a busy schedule stop us from having fun!  We watched "Charlotte's Web", we paraded around the school and we ate till our bellies were FULL!

Natalie, Landon, Hayden, Kit and Gunnar

Chase, Parker, Charlotte, Riley J. and Mayeli

Addison, Alison, Johnathan and Luke

Carter, Brennan, Jayden, Aiden and Caylin

Ava, Rachel, Dominick and Kaydence

And of course snacks!!
(A huge thank you to everyone who brought something for our party!)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
Today we honored our Students of the Month with a special luncheon.
Ava was the Student of the Month for September and Kit was the Student of the Month for October.
Congratulations to both of you!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:26 AM
If you were making a movie from the book Charlotte's Web,
 is there anything you would change about the story?

I whud chanej Cherlit would not die. By Dominick

I would make it that Chariott dusit die. by Jonathan

If I were to make the meove Charlottes Web  I wood make Fern be able to talk to every one. By Charlotte

If I made the movie I would change that  Charlotte died in the book because it makes me cry. By Riley J

If I could change the book I would make a picher on each page because I could amagin better. By Aiden

If I made the movie of Charlott’s  Web then I would change how they look to make them look cooler. By Landon

I do not like Charlotte diys after the party ended becuz Willbar miss Charlotte. by Gunnar

What I would change from Charlotte’s Web is that I would change the part when Charlotte dies because it is super duper sad and I cried so bad. By Addison

One thing I want to change at the end of the story is Charlotte dieing. by Carter

What I would change from Charlotte’s web is the author would not put so many web’s with words in it but it is okay. What I would also change from the book is not give so many details about Templeton going to the dump getting scraps for Charlotte's Web. That is what I would change if I were the author.    By Kit

If I would change something in Charlotte web I would chang when Frane and her mom and Dad want to the karnvir because I don't like when a different pig got the gold medal.by mayeli   

Friday, October 27, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:27 AM

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:38 AM
One of our reading stations (for almost every student) is Reader's Theater.  This reading station lets us work together in a group (a great life skill) on our reading fluency!

Our reading standards push us to read with good fluency (speed) and expression, specifically using different voices for different characters and Reader's Theater certainly helps us with that!

While we don't "act" out the plays, we do take time to read them to our peers!

While Mrs. Koehn loves all the reading practice this station gives each of us, we all think it's just fun to read plays together!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:33 AM
Today, members from the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department came to talk with us about fire safety. 

The firemen reminded us that we should practice fire drills at home just like we do at school, and to set up a meeting place outside of our home where our whole family would meet if there ever was a fire.

The firemen showed us some of their equipment and let us see, touch and hear what they sounded and looked like.  We won't be afraid if we hear the "Darth Vader" sound!  They also reminded us not to hide in case of a fire, but to scream and shout and even throw things at them so they can help us!

The coolest thing was the heat-sensor camera that helps firemen see through the smoke!

Thank you to all the volunteer firemen in our community who help to keep us all safe!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:56 AM

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:57 AM
Mrs. Koehn had a problem today.  She needed exactly 1,000 straws for the math lesson, but she forgot to count them out ahead of time!  The BUGS volunteered to help her get them counted so they could get on with the math lesson.  With so many helpers, it was quickly decided that it would be faster if they bundled the straws into groups of ten and then counted from there.

 The kids really synergized as they had some counting and some bundling!  Once all the straws were in bundles of ten, the BUGS quickly realized that when we counted by tens to a thousand we got off count and had to keep starting over!  It was so frustrating and was taking forever!! 

It was finally suggested that we take the bundles of ten and bundle them into hundreds!!  We counted out ten tens and put them into a bundle of one hundred straws!  When we finished, it was so easy to count up the hundreds and see that we had 1,000 in our bundles and six straws left over!!  (It was super cool to realized that we bundled ten ones to make a ten, ten tens to make a hundred and ten hundreds to make the thousand!!)

What was not so cool was realizing we had been bamboozled by Mrs. Koehn!!  She didn't "forget" to count the straws this morning!  She just wanted us to have some hands-on learning with counting by ones, tens and hundreds all the way to one thousand!!  That sneaky Mrs. Koehn...

Monday, October 16, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:43 AM
What are your three favorite things to do in fall?

Three things I like to do in the fall is to rake the leaves. Second is to jump in the leaves. Last is to rake nuts. By Hayden

Three things I like to do in fall is make a huge pile of leaves. Next I like to play with my dog. Finally I like to rake the leaves.That is what I like to do. By Addison

Three things I do in fall is rake the leaves, jump in piles of leaves, finally I make the leaves fly. That’s what I like to do. by Riley J

Three things I love to do in fall are jump in lots of leafs and throw leafs in the air and last but not least I love to get covered in leafs. By  Landon.

I like to jump into leve piles and ride my bike thru leve piles and run areond. by Dominick.

Three things I like to do in the fall is to play in the leafs. I also like to do is rake the leafs. Finlly  what I like to do is go to school. By Charlotte.

Frist thig that I do is I jump in leefs. Next I ride my bike. Theed I rake the lefs.  By Parker

I like to jump in the leavs. I like to rake them. I like to play with the leavs. By Brennan.

Three favorite things to do in fall jump in leaf piles and rake leaf and throw leafs up. By Chase

My favorite things to do in fall is jump in piles of leafs. Also I Love to play with my neighbors. Finally I also like to sometimes go shopping with my mom and Corinne.Those are my reasons what I like to do in the fall.    By Kit

I like to jump in the leves in the fall and I like to run in the fall and wok in the  leves with my dog Kiki.   By  Natalie

Friday, October 13, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:45 AM

Friday, October 6, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:14 AM

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:14 PM

Today we spent time exploring two different tools for measurement. 

We wanted to know when would it be best to use a centimeter ruler...

...and when would it be best to use a meter stick.

We loved measuring objects around our classroom!

We also loved learning why they are called "CENTimeters!!" 
(Who knew Latin could be so cool!?)

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:10 PM
What a beautiful day for the Prowl fundraiser!
The kids were super excited to run, walk and laugh as they earned money for our school!

The PTO volunteers sure did an amazing job! 
They kept us hydrated and jamming to tunes as we went around the track!

We collected bands for each lap we made so we knew how much money to collect from our sponsors!

Thank you to everyone who supported our school through this event!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:30 AM
What is something you are not good at...YET, but you want to get better at? 
How will you get better?

One thing I am not good at yet is math. The stradjy that will help me is lisning and learning. By Charlotte

One thing I am not good at yet is getting all of my challenge words right on my spelling test. I will get better by practicing every week on my spelling test. By Hayden

I am not good at telling time yet. But I will get better at it if I keep on trying when we do it together. By Kit.

One thing I’m not good at yet is doing subtraction. But I can get better at subtraction by practising. By Riley J.

I am not good at jumping off the swings. But I will get better by practicing. By Addison

One thing I am not god at yat is spaling. I will get beter at spelling because I will practice at it. By Mayeli.

I am not good at spelling yet. One way I can pratis is to do them at home. By Aiden.

One thing that I Am not good at yet is spec. I will practice by Jonathan.

I am not good at reading yet.  I will pracktis reading evere week. By Riley M.

One thing I am not good at yet is math. I will get better at math because I can practice and practice. by Landon.

I am not good at spel yet and I am wreck on it. By Luke

One thing I am not good at is math. But I will get better by practicing  by Ava .

I i,m not good at spelling yet. i will get better at  it soon and my satadgye is caot by ones. By Parker

I'm not good at reading yet. I will get better by prasting. By Gunnar

One thing I am not good at yet is sepchracshen.I will get better because I will practise.  By Carter