Monday, October 23, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:33 AM
Today, members from the Paw Paw Volunteer Fire Department came to talk with us about fire safety. 

The firemen reminded us that we should practice fire drills at home just like we do at school, and to set up a meeting place outside of our home where our whole family would meet if there ever was a fire.

The firemen showed us some of their equipment and let us see, touch and hear what they sounded and looked like.  We won't be afraid if we hear the "Darth Vader" sound!  They also reminded us not to hide in case of a fire, but to scream and shout and even throw things at them so they can help us!

The coolest thing was the heat-sensor camera that helps firemen see through the smoke!

Thank you to all the volunteer firemen in our community who help to keep us all safe!


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