Monday, October 16, 2017

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:43 AM
What are your three favorite things to do in fall?

Three things I like to do in the fall is to rake the leaves. Second is to jump in the leaves. Last is to rake nuts. By Hayden

Three things I like to do in fall is make a huge pile of leaves. Next I like to play with my dog. Finally I like to rake the leaves.That is what I like to do. By Addison

Three things I do in fall is rake the leaves, jump in piles of leaves, finally I make the leaves fly. That’s what I like to do. by Riley J

Three things I love to do in fall are jump in lots of leafs and throw leafs in the air and last but not least I love to get covered in leafs. By  Landon.

I like to jump into leve piles and ride my bike thru leve piles and run areond. by Dominick.

Three things I like to do in the fall is to play in the leafs. I also like to do is rake the leafs. Finlly  what I like to do is go to school. By Charlotte.

Frist thig that I do is I jump in leefs. Next I ride my bike. Theed I rake the lefs.  By Parker

I like to jump in the leavs. I like to rake them. I like to play with the leavs. By Brennan.

Three favorite things to do in fall jump in leaf piles and rake leaf and throw leafs up. By Chase

My favorite things to do in fall is jump in piles of leafs. Also I Love to play with my neighbors. Finally I also like to sometimes go shopping with my mom and Corinne.Those are my reasons what I like to do in the fall.    By Kit

I like to jump in the leves in the fall and I like to run in the fall and wok in the  leves with my dog Kiki.   By  Natalie


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