Friday, February 23, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:37 AM

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 5:00 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
Each year, for the Valentine's Day Party, we play "Minute-to-Win-It" games.  Each station has a different task that students are challenged to complete in one minute or less!

"Stack-Attack" involves stacking 21 solo cups in a pyramid.

Students were challenged by square-bottomed cups this year!

But they could not be beat!  

They were proud to show off their towers of cups!

Even parents had some fun building pyramids!

Next came "Goin' Steady" where students had to balance as many Fruit Loops as they could on a popsicle stick that was held only by their mouths!! 

Concentration was the key!


...keep piling them on!
(Of course it was fun to just eat them, too!)

We also had "Heart-a-Stack" where students tried to make vertical towers of candy hearts.

Ava made a tower of TWELVE!!

"Through Thick and Thin" was played with a linguini noodle in the mouth
 and penne noodles on the table.

No hands!  

How many noodles can you get picked up?

Dominick got FIVE!

So did Carter!

Can you make a smile of M&Ms by sucking them onto a straw and moving them around a plate?

You only have one minute to get all 10 M&Ms in place!

 "Cupid's Arrow" was a big hit!  
When else are you allowed to shoot Q-Tips out straws in the hallway?

"That's the Way the Cookie Tumbles" was a fun challenge as well!
We loved watching the faces of the students as they each tried to get a Nilla Wafer from his/her forehead to his/her mouth without using hands!
Landon was just one of the successful ones!

After all the games, the students pass out Valentine's to everyone... was super fun seeing the cards everyone had picked out!

Finally it was time for ice cream sundaes!

What a great way to spend a day! 
Valentine's Day is a great time to share giggles with friends!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:15 AM
Happy 100th Day of Second Grade everybuggy!!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:23 AM
Today we learned from about our town's drinking water.  Representatives from the Water Conservation District and the Village of Paw Paw gave a presentation that really helped us better understand our water system, whether we live in town or in the country.
We learned where water comes from and how we can protect it.  The students then blogged about how they can protect our water and how they can use less of it.

 One way I can keep water clean is to not use oil. A way I could use less water is to turn off the water when I am brushing my teeth. By Addison

I am going to use less water by not keep the water on when I brush my teeth. I will not let my dad put oil in the grass. Riley J

One thing I can do to save water is to shut the water off when I am brushing my teeth. One thing I can do to keep the water clean is to not put oil on the grass.    Brennan

I can help water stay clean by not putting bad chemicals in it. I can use less water by turning the sink off when I am brushing my teeth. By Hayden

One way I can keep water clean is by not backwashing. One way I can use less water is by not leaving the water on when I brush my teeth. By Charlotte

One way I can keep water clean is not to put oil down the sink. Another way I can keep water clean is by not putting other bad things down the sink. One thing I can do to use less water is to not keep the water running when I am brushing my teeth. Another way I can do to use less water is by not using not using as much water when I am washing my hands. By Kit  

One thing I can do to help clean the water is do not put dirt in it.I can also save the water by turning off the water when I brush my teeth. By Jayden

I will help make the water clean when I grow up. I will use less water by keeping the sink off while I brush my teeth. By Carter

One of the things I will do to keep the water clean is tell people to not pollute the water.The way to use less water to shower less often. By Dominick

One thing I can do to keep water clean is to not pulut. One thing I can do to use less water is to turn the sink off while brushing. By Landon

I will use less water when I brush my teeth and I will stop putting bad water in. by Gunnar

 One thing I would do to clean water is to never use oil.And also if I had to save water I would take quick showers . by Alison

One thing that I know that I will keep the water clean is you dont keep the water runing  Another thing that if you brush your teeth is when you turn off the water you save water. By Parker  

How I think we can keep water clean is to not pulute so much.How I think we can not use that much water is to turn off the water when i brush my teeth every day. by Natalie

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM
A representative from the Water Conservation District came to teach us about our drinking water.  She showed us a model of an aquifer, wells and the water tower.

She showed us how pollutants can affect not only our water but our whole community's water! 
We got some ideas about how to protect and conserve our water!

Of course, learning is always more fun when food is involved! 
We made EDIBLE aquifers!!

We had our aquifer (7-Up), a "layer of clay (aka ice cream)" on top and then we place large boulder, rocks and topsoil on top.  Finally, we stuck in a well (straw) and pumped it up!

Riley J. shows off her edible aquifer.

Alison enjoyed hers as well!

A huge thank you to the township and the conservation district for teaching us today! 
We learned a lot!!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:10 PM
Ava was the first to get a perfect 100 on her addition math facts!
The accomplishment earned her pride of mastery AND a Milky Way bar!
Awesome learning, Ava!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:15 PM
Sometimes reading with a friend is WAY more fun than reading whole class!  Reading together can really help build fluency and reading expression!  Students are able to hear unknown words pronounced and can work together on phrasing and intonation (not sounding like robots!)
Repeated readings helps increase comprehension, too, but don't tell these BUGS, they are too busy having fun reading with a friend!

Caylin and Alison

Gunnar and Hayden

Jayden and Brennan

Carter and Landon

Charlotte and Kit

Natalie and Mayeli

Monday, February 5, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM
If you could receive a letter from anyone in the whole world (alive or deceased)
who would it be and why?

If I could get a letter from someone I would pick Eminem.I would pick him because he is my favorite rapper. Hayden

I would want a letter from Gomama because I never see her. Riley J.

I would like to get a letter from Mrs.Vore because she has very nice handwriting and she is very nice. By Addison

Somebody that wood mail a letter to me is my two cousins because they don't get to see me that much. By Parker

I would want to get a letter from Taylor Swift because she is a awesome singer songwriter and loves cats. by Ava

I would want a letter from my sister Jay Jay because I only get to see her in the summer. by Carter

If I could get a letter from anyone I would want one from my great Grandpa because I love him. By Landon

If I could get a letter from a really famous person it would be Peppa Pig.Why I would love to get a letter from Peppa Pig is because she is a pig for one and for two I just love love love love love love love pigs so much and last I love the fact that a pig can talk.That is who I would like to get a letter from and why I would like to get a letter from Peppa Pig. By Kittrick

Who I would like a letter from is Martin Luther King Jr because he would probably write a nice letter to me and I would like that. By Charlotte

I wood wand a letter form Tom  Braty becaus he is good at football. by Luke

If I got a letter from someone I would want a letter from Taylor Swift because she is my fayforit  singer . Another thing that I want a letter from her is because she is famous. by Alison

I would want a letter from Dav Pilkey because he made all of the Captain Underpants. by Aiden

I wood love a letter from NF because he is a singer. By Gunnar

I would want a letter from Dan Tdm. Because he is my favorite youtuber. His book is so cool. by Jayden   

I would want a letter from Captan  Underpants  because his books are funny. I would love it so much that I would sleep with his books.  By Brennan

I would want a letter from Taylor Swift because she is my favorite singer in the hole world.  By Caylin

If I could get a letter from someone it wod be from Santa because I always give him a letter but he gives me toys and I love Christmas. by Mayeli

Friday, February 2, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:06 PM

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:50 AM
Congratulations to Addison, Kit, Alison, Luke and Ava for reading all month long and earning free pizza from the Pizza Hut Book-It Program!

Congratulations to Hayden and Natalie also!

Jayden earned a free personal pan pizza, too!
Carter earned a pizza, too!

Way to read, BUGS!!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:49 AM
Congratulations to Aiden our January Student of the Month!!