Monday, February 12, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM
A representative from the Water Conservation District came to teach us about our drinking water.  She showed us a model of an aquifer, wells and the water tower.

She showed us how pollutants can affect not only our water but our whole community's water! 
We got some ideas about how to protect and conserve our water!

Of course, learning is always more fun when food is involved! 
We made EDIBLE aquifers!!

We had our aquifer (7-Up), a "layer of clay (aka ice cream)" on top and then we place large boulder, rocks and topsoil on top.  Finally, we stuck in a well (straw) and pumped it up!

Riley J. shows off her edible aquifer.

Alison enjoyed hers as well!

A huge thank you to the township and the conservation district for teaching us today! 
We learned a lot!!


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