Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:00 PM
Each year, for the Valentine's Day Party, we play "Minute-to-Win-It" games.  Each station has a different task that students are challenged to complete in one minute or less!

"Stack-Attack" involves stacking 21 solo cups in a pyramid.

Students were challenged by square-bottomed cups this year!

But they could not be beat!  

They were proud to show off their towers of cups!

Even parents had some fun building pyramids!

Next came "Goin' Steady" where students had to balance as many Fruit Loops as they could on a popsicle stick that was held only by their mouths!! 

Concentration was the key!


...keep piling them on!
(Of course it was fun to just eat them, too!)

We also had "Heart-a-Stack" where students tried to make vertical towers of candy hearts.

Ava made a tower of TWELVE!!

"Through Thick and Thin" was played with a linguini noodle in the mouth
 and penne noodles on the table.

No hands!  

How many noodles can you get picked up?

Dominick got FIVE!

So did Carter!

Can you make a smile of M&Ms by sucking them onto a straw and moving them around a plate?

You only have one minute to get all 10 M&Ms in place!

 "Cupid's Arrow" was a big hit!  
When else are you allowed to shoot Q-Tips out straws in the hallway?

"That's the Way the Cookie Tumbles" was a fun challenge as well!
We loved watching the faces of the students as they each tried to get a Nilla Wafer from his/her forehead to his/her mouth without using hands!
Landon was just one of the successful ones!

After all the games, the students pass out Valentine's to everyone... was super fun seeing the cards everyone had picked out!

Finally it was time for ice cream sundaes!

What a great way to spend a day! 
Valentine's Day is a great time to share giggles with friends!


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