Monday, February 5, 2018

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:25 AM
If you could receive a letter from anyone in the whole world (alive or deceased)
who would it be and why?

If I could get a letter from someone I would pick Eminem.I would pick him because he is my favorite rapper. Hayden

I would want a letter from Gomama because I never see her. Riley J.

I would like to get a letter from Mrs.Vore because she has very nice handwriting and she is very nice. By Addison

Somebody that wood mail a letter to me is my two cousins because they don't get to see me that much. By Parker

I would want to get a letter from Taylor Swift because she is a awesome singer songwriter and loves cats. by Ava

I would want a letter from my sister Jay Jay because I only get to see her in the summer. by Carter

If I could get a letter from anyone I would want one from my great Grandpa because I love him. By Landon

If I could get a letter from a really famous person it would be Peppa Pig.Why I would love to get a letter from Peppa Pig is because she is a pig for one and for two I just love love love love love love love pigs so much and last I love the fact that a pig can talk.That is who I would like to get a letter from and why I would like to get a letter from Peppa Pig. By Kittrick

Who I would like a letter from is Martin Luther King Jr because he would probably write a nice letter to me and I would like that. By Charlotte

I wood wand a letter form Tom  Braty becaus he is good at football. by Luke

If I got a letter from someone I would want a letter from Taylor Swift because she is my fayforit  singer . Another thing that I want a letter from her is because she is famous. by Alison

I would want a letter from Dav Pilkey because he made all of the Captain Underpants. by Aiden

I wood love a letter from NF because he is a singer. By Gunnar

I would want a letter from Dan Tdm. Because he is my favorite youtuber. His book is so cool. by Jayden   

I would want a letter from Captan  Underpants  because his books are funny. I would love it so much that I would sleep with his books.  By Brennan

I would want a letter from Taylor Swift because she is my favorite singer in the hole world.  By Caylin

If I could get a letter from someone it wod be from Santa because I always give him a letter but he gives me toys and I love Christmas. by Mayeli


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