Saturday, September 29, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:55 AM

The kids had a great time at the Paw Paw Prowl on Friday.  Running and walking to earn money for our school, the kids grabbed a wrist band for each lap and excitedly counted them up at the end!  Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, relatives, neighbors and friends who generously donated for the event!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:33 PM

The B.U.G.S. reading "Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night"

[wpvideo DhqR75rF]

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:39 AM

I  would like to be the driver of  the monster truck called grave digger and the bounty hunter also blue thunder also the crazy  bull . We will go to the Paw Paw  Prowl so we could run also  by Moises

I love the Paw Paw Prowl. It is fun. We walk in circles. It is great.  Its at the end of the day. I will walk. I will get ristbands. This is my third time.  By Taylor

The how class will be walking in the Paw Paw  Prowl . It will be fun to walk in the Paw Paw Prowl.if we play sum games I  will play with my friends.I hop they av sum relly fun games. This is my frist time going to the paw paw  prowl.I will play with Taylor. By kourtney.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:37 AM

I  will like to go camping with  my grandma. She is nice  to me. She is los of fun and funny I  will like to go camping with my dog. He is so nice to play with. I  love he . by ryleigh.

I wold brening my  frend   name Sam. and my  mom and  my dad  and  my sister . by Ethan

I will take mi dog and my gamu and my sitr and my mom and midad and kasins bikas I likthem.  by Nick

I will go camping  onle if my dad mom kaelee  sarah and my dog cum with me I no about I will be scard. by Shayla

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:09 PM
We have found what appears to be a valuable woman's ring in our classroom this week and we have been unable to ascertain where it came from. Please check around your home to see if you have a ring of value missing and if so, please contact me as soon as possible.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:19 AM


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:16 AM


Today is my birthday  it is my day for happy nice fun i.m asid for my next birthday  its asiding  gain i.m asidid  for my birthday today  I cant  wate for it today it is so much fun. I cant want I cant want for my birthday  today love  and  together  as a famly.  - by Lindy

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:17 AM

What would you  need to take on a camping trip?  I would take toys and  books lots of books and hair stuff  . most  I need food and water  .  Ill need stuff for my dog like a leash and food and water. Ill need bikes for me and my brothers Kacey and Dylan .  we need helmets and ne pads and  elbow pads and that’s what ill take – by Delaney

I would bring my pillow and my sleeping bag. And I woud bring my ipod. And I woud bring my big bowsy ball. And Iwoud bring my tv. – by Trevor

I would berg my bike and my toys and my fishing pole and my dogs and my cat and my clos and my pogamas and my coperter and my babey cats and a leshe and food the babye cats and my big cat and food for my big dog and my bmx and my best hat and my best frog and  my friends and my dad and my mom and  my big blacet and my glofvs  and my pilos and my vampire teth and my faveret places and my big dinsoer and my faveret pogamos and my elbowl and my good favret good cats and my big dog hows good and my babye frogs and my big  toys dinsoy and my cats and my babye – by Payton

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:14 PM

Mrs. DePierre had a great teaching moment this morning.  Alex was struggling to skip, but he listened closely to Mrs. DePierre as she helped him figure out the process and next thing you know, Alex was skipping around the gym!!  Look at him go!  Yea Alex!


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:22 AM

What wildlife might you find in the woods?

I will see a bare and a lot of tree and a snake. I  will get the wood and the fire. Snakes will bite me. My dad will get his nife.  -By Dominick


if   I   went   to  the  woods  I   will  look   for  bards.  I   will   look   for  wood   and   a   sharp  stuff.  I   will   run   in  the  woods.  I   will  go  look  for  bugs.  I   will  jump  on  a  tree. – by Sam


I  woob    hick    for  a    baer and  a  snake  to   and  I  wood  klime A   tree - by Megan


What wildlife thing I might see in the woods is a snapping turtle those are the bad ones and it could hurt my finger really   badly to. It could also BITE your finger off.  that’s the worst of all in my life. Have you ever saw a napping turtle? Well I did before to! A other wildlife thing that I know I saw is a poisin snake those are the badist badist animal of ALL!!! They could make you sick and bite your five fingers off! That’s really really really BAD! Because if it did the one you right with then you couldint right ever again then. That’s all I know about biting turtles  and  poisin snakes the end . – by Carlysha

Monday, September 24, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:42 PM

The quietest place I have visited is the library in Paw Paw. I thing the library is vary peaceful and quiet. I love the library and I love getting books there so I read them. I love the books that they have. That is the quietest place I have visited. –by Cheyenne.


 My  room   is quieit  and peaceful inies my sisiter  cat I will not  uplane  up bot it I git  sum taims I git – by Jack


My room is quiet and peaceful but some times its loud because the vaccum and lawn – by Larz


I wet to the river and it was quiet as the libare and the cumpatr lab – by Shayla

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:25 AM

[wpvideo HLmcuSdp]

The B.U.G.S. read "Exploring Space". Wow! What great reading!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:19 AM


Kourtney used her Word Detective skills to fish hook two very difficult words in her book. She was so proud to proclaim the words were "contentedly" and "convertible"! Yea Detective Kourtney!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:16 AM


Friday, September 21, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:43 PM


Hay parents on Saterday we are having a  Ford driving test. Places come  and drive so ford gives us mony! - by Cheyenne

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:12 PM

My  family  is  very   big  .  I   will  tell  you.  My  moms    black  is  her  Favret  color. - by Phoebe

I like music. I like Aaron  L.  He sings Endlis summer. - by Noah  

Lastnight  my dad came home from  West  Vrginy   .We watide  fore  the  bus.  - by Hailey

Today i.m  going  to be in a prade  my friend her name is Jalen   and  Lily and Mrs’Lexe    and Mrs. Jane. - by Lindy



Thursday, September 20, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:25 AM

I would take sum water, apples, milk and a stuffed animal and a pillow and a blanket if I went into space. I would take my family if I could so I would not be scared and bring my

Friend to. I wished I could bring my dads family if thay would like to. -By Krystiana

I  wish I  could drive the space ship and I would like to be an astronaut because I could bring my puppy dog .It also my puppy dog will fly in the  rocket or I could call the rocket space ship. – by Moises

I would take a dog with me .I would take a water boterl . I would take a astronaut with me. I wood ciduv be scary.If i wint in to space. If I  wos a astronaut my dog wood be flying. -By Kourtney.

I would bring water. I would bring my stuffed animal. I would bring my family if I could.

I would bring a pillow. I would bring a blanket. I would bring my dogs if I could.

I would bring math facts.  –by Taylor

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:32 PM

It  is fun to be a  astronaut. becuas  you . Can lot in the solke  you can see the moon and the erth. You  can wlak   on   the moon  .  Me and kile. you can  see  the stars. - by Ryleigh

I    Will go   in  up  will  go  in  go  in   up  in a   I    Will  go  up   in a    Mosis   and      us  will go  in  a   - by Alex

I wud lik it wud rokin it wud  bi skary it wud lonely.  - by Nick

I  fink   it   wad   be  kool  to   be    in   a rockit   ship .  I   fink   it   wad   be    skare   in   a   rokit   ship  .  I    fink  thaenk   thar  ar   a    tot    ave    banis. - by Ethan   



Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:13 PM


12 days ago, on the very first day of school, I promised the B.U.G.S. the world's best chocolate chip cookies when they earned 25 compliments. Little did I know that less than two weeks later, I would need to be baking! The class has been amazing at specials, silent and straight in the hallways and amazing while waiting for school to start in the morning! Tonight I will be busy baking for my amazing class!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:23 AM

You can fly. You see miny  crechers . You cud see yor Franids  in spase. You can osow fand a rockitsip . it wood be nis to be an astronaut.I hop Shayla will be a astronaut. And  I wot to be a astronaut .And that is my story in spase. - by Kourtney

I  would like  to be an astronaut that  could explor space. When you are in space you will need a helmet  and put a suit  on to. As an astronaut I would like to bounce  on the Moon and look at the stars in the sky to. On the moon it can be vary, vary fun !!!  On the moon thare are many things that you could do. That is my things  About being an astronaut . Its fun being an astronaut. I love astronauts. -by Krysti

If I was an astronaut I would be happy. I would look for moon rocks. I would have fun. I would look for people. I would wear a suit. I would wear a helmet. I would bounce. -by taylor

I   want  to   be  an   astronaut    because   I  could   drive  the  space   ship  and  when   I  don’t   have   my  seat  belts  because  I  could    be   floating  in  the  space   ship.  I   even   get  to  eat   in  the   space   ship  I   would   bounce  in  the  moon  .I    go   back  home     I    even  will  planets  in  space  and   I    drive  the   rocket - by Moises 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 1:46 PM

I cannot believe how beautifully our whole class reads together already!  This is Room 18 reading a part of "Iris and Walter", our reading story for the week. Isn't it wonderful? [wpvideo 5Ifgsbeh]

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:51 AM

I IOVE CLAS A LOT ILOVE DOING JRNL AND MATH TO.AND I LOVE GOING OUT TO RECESS AND CALINDAR .and I love reading and going to lunch and reading  - Trevor



I love school it’s  the best plase on earth  .   the best teacher  is Miss Wilson .

Elmentry  is amazing . - Delaney





Thursday, September 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:47 PM


The B.U.G.S. were using their detective skills to find nouns, articles and that sneaky Stealer C in the story about Jake and Mike.
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM

I had a  hoes fire  I cri  and cri I love that plas I had to stay at  my grapup hose I find a now hose I rill like it but I had to clen .             - By shayla  the end  

I know a person who moved and she was my best fiend of all and her name is Alexis and we use to play with echothr a lot and it was so fun to. She moved to kalmazoo and went to a different school and now she gets to meet new friends now. But I still really miss her more then ever in the world like a hole bunch. But we can still be friends even if she lives in kalmazoo and I live in paw paw Michigan. I still love her and she still loves me. We are also bffs to. But I can still meet her because we live like close by kalmazoo and I could pobly see her in a store to a lot. I miss her a lot and a lot. But its still ok thoe.And we have really close friend ship. But sometimes we get in trouble thoe to. But only a little.  - by Carlysha  

 My grampa  moved. I mist him. It was sad. He is nice to my. He moved to kallazoo. I visit him. He played games with my. It was fun. He played soccer with my. I bete him ten times at soccer. I am fast.  - by Dominick

My  dad   moved   from  hes   hos .  he  moved   to a  new   has.    I  some  times to  gether.  I  like play the  will. I   like  to  run.           -by Sam

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:09 PM

[wpvideo m7VhThHZ]

Taylor showed us how to fish hook a Magic E syllable.  She's an amazing Word Detective!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:06 PM

[wpvideo hL05x7N9]

Jack talks us through fish hooking closed syllables.  Great job, Detective Jack!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:09 PM

If  I could live with Mrs. Wilson I would do it. I love everything  about her. I  love her class room. She tells us funy story’s and she is the best techer ever. I love her hair corler.  - Cheyenne.



The country has  open  spaise  and los and los and los of  trees to I clim. - Jack


In the county is so open spaise and less peopol  - Larz

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:35 AM

I  have  tow  dogs  one  is  princess   tow   is  bud  - Phoebe



My moms name is Lisa and dads name is Ivan and my brother name is Kalab  and my  brother  name is Jacob    my sister name is heather  and  my   sister  name  is  anderea  and my brother name is hunter  my dogs name are lily badit  and micy    - Lindy


I love my dad .We spend so much time to gether. - Noah


Hi my name is Hailey I have a lot of pets I will shoe you I have 2dogs 2 tretels  - Hailey

Monday, September 10, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:55 PM

I  whish I  could  be a  race car  driver  and a  truck  driver .   I   have  a  ds3d  and  the  games it  track  attack   and  cars  2. I  unlock   four cars   on  the  ds  it  crock  rod  and  Shark   uiser  also  urban  agent  also  nerve  hammer .  I  play  my  ds  evry   afternoon.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:55 PM

I love Miss,Wilson as my teacher. She is a nice glad she,s my teacher.

im going to miss her wen I go to third grade. she is the best

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:53 PM

I  lik  to   play  with  my  dog  at  home. I  play  with  the    fresbe  to . I  take  her  on  woks. Somtims  I dot  play  weth  her  al  the  time. I play  the  wii  to.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:52 PM

Miss wilsin is a godd tercher.   I wish she wus my tercher last yer.     And I amglad that she is my tercher this yer .   I am glad that we are the bugs.  I am glad that all my clas mas are in her. I am sow glad to be in this class.i likear it is fun.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:03 PM

A huge thank you to all our families for your generous donations to our classroom!  We received so many items to use this year we are overwhelmed!  THANK YOU!! 

At this time, the only item we are still in need of are additional sets of math flashcards for addition and subtraction.  If you happen to be at a dollar store and could pick up a set or two, we have a few students who would be ever so grateful!

Thanks again for such generosity!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:05 PM


Reading out loud in a small group does amazing things for the mind!  We have to use our mouth, our ears, our eyes and our brains (we can give our noses a rest!)  Today we practiced our choral reading skills!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:49 AM

I love the day of Friday because we get to do a lot of GAMES!!! And we also get to do class meeting even no we are second graders miss Wilson still lets us play games.We do a lot of harder things in second grade.I wish I lived at a school because I get smarter and smarter like every gronup in the world. That’s why I want to live in the school.We also get to read harder BOOKS!!! That defently makes me get smarter and smarter.I also listen to my teacher whatever she tells me to do.I love school so so much.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:48 AM

I love this  class. if I cloud  stay I  wood  be in this  class for ever .

I love miss Wilson. She is nice!


Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:48 AM

I  went to the beach and it was FUN!!! and I went up really hiey up and it was vary, vary FUN!!!.

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:47 AM

If I had a cat I wood play with her and let her sleep with me at night. I  wood  love her vary much.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:12 AM


Delaney is thinking hard about the names and sounds of things as we review how our vowels sometimes say their name and sometimes say their sound!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:11 AM


We were all working hard and using our best writing skills on our journals! What a great way to start the year!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:11 AM


Even on the very first day of second grade, the B.U.G.S. were hard at work using their very best writing!