Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:22 AM

What wildlife might you find in the woods?

I will see a bare and a lot of tree and a snake. I  will get the wood and the fire. Snakes will bite me. My dad will get his nife.  -By Dominick


if   I   went   to  the  woods  I   will  look   for  bards.  I   will   look   for  wood   and   a   sharp  stuff.  I   will   run   in  the  woods.  I   will  go  look  for  bugs.  I   will  jump  on  a  tree. – by Sam


I  woob    hick    for  a    baer and  a  snake  to   and  I  wood  klime A   tree - by Megan


What wildlife thing I might see in the woods is a snapping turtle those are the bad ones and it could hurt my finger really   badly to. It could also BITE your finger off.  that’s the worst of all in my life. Have you ever saw a napping turtle? Well I did before to! A other wildlife thing that I know I saw is a poisin snake those are the badist badist animal of ALL!!! They could make you sick and bite your five fingers off! That’s really really really BAD! Because if it did the one you right with then you couldint right ever again then. That’s all I know about biting turtles  and  poisin snakes the end . – by Carlysha


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