Thursday, September 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:00 AM

I had a  hoes fire  I cri  and cri I love that plas I had to stay at  my grapup hose I find a now hose I rill like it but I had to clen .             - By shayla  the end  

I know a person who moved and she was my best fiend of all and her name is Alexis and we use to play with echothr a lot and it was so fun to. She moved to kalmazoo and went to a different school and now she gets to meet new friends now. But I still really miss her more then ever in the world like a hole bunch. But we can still be friends even if she lives in kalmazoo and I live in paw paw Michigan. I still love her and she still loves me. We are also bffs to. But I can still meet her because we live like close by kalmazoo and I could pobly see her in a store to a lot. I miss her a lot and a lot. But its still ok thoe.And we have really close friend ship. But sometimes we get in trouble thoe to. But only a little.  - by Carlysha  

 My grampa  moved. I mist him. It was sad. He is nice to my. He moved to kallazoo. I visit him. He played games with my. It was fun. He played soccer with my. I bete him ten times at soccer. I am fast.  - by Dominick

My  dad   moved   from  hes   hos .  he  moved   to a  new   has.    I  some  times to  gether.  I  like play the  will. I   like  to  run.           -by Sam


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