Friday, February 21, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:53 AM
Nothing helps shake off the winter blues quite like...
We have more popping up every day reaching for sunshine!!
Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:52 AM
We are devising a new game to practice our time telling skills called, "Check Your Watch!"  It is played like Go-Fish, but with clock cards!  The kids played a round of the game today to help us solidify rules and get the hang of it.  They really enjoyed having some fun with their friends while they practiced telling time!

Each player chose ten cards (that show pictures of clocks or show a time)  from a face-down pile in the center of each table.

Rotating CLOCKWISE :) each player took a turn asking another for a time they held in their hands in order to make a match. 

If they were able to make a match, they laid the match on the table and asked another player for a time.  If the player did not have the matching card, they responded to the request with "Check Your Watch!" and the asking player chose a new card from the face-down pile in the center of the table. 

The students had a lot of fun matching times with clocks and got some extra practice at time-telling!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 12:06 PM

Today is full of excitement because all the second graders went to beauty and the beast.It was crazy and all the high schoolers were great.I think everyone loved it,well I did because all the high schoolers created everthing that was in the show.It was amazing and really funny.All the second and third graders had to sit for a long time.The real show is on friday and I think I’m going to the show again.Beauty and the beast twice because my daddy got my family tickets for it.I loved it and I really enjoyed it.We had to take a bus and that’s  my trip to the Emma k

Today is 2014 we went to beauty and the beast. All the high schoolers and middle schoolers played. Mrs Koehn’s nease was in the play. Next year my brother named Alex might be in the play. the beast and Bell kissed at the end of the play. I got to sit by Mrs Koehn my teacher because I was at the end of the line. by Maya

Today we went to Beauty and the Beast. It was the best play iv, seen in a long time.
my teacher’s nease is in the play . It was very long.the At the end  bell and the beast
kissed. It was gruse it was cool .by prestyn.

Today we went to the high school to see a play for Beauty and the Beast ,it was good and funny because  it was kinda at the end of the story when it was funny.Oh.There’s another thing I want to say is that Mrs Koehn’s nease was in the play as a plate.There might be some more thing’s I want to talk about.One thing I want to talk about is that at the end of the story Bell kissed the Beast, and it was gruse  when they kissed.Oh.One more thing is that the play was the best play ever.That’s all I wanted to say.By.By the way my name is Zoie.

Ges want I saw beauty and the beast!My favorite part was when they kissed!!! But everybody said ewwww. My teacher ask Belle if she acally kissed the beast … she said yes and my class said awwwww. Any way I got some new books today they are  called Destiny the rock star fairy and the other one is By the shores of silver lake its part of  the Little house in the big woods seris. by Kolleana

Thanks so much to Mr. Perkins, the entire cast and the crew of Beauty and the Beast for letting us come see the performance today!  We loved it (well, all but the kissing part!) 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:21 AM
Since we are starting to work on telling time in math and because...well, it's just so much fun, we decided to play some "Minute-to-Win-It" games for Valentine's Day!  We had so many wonderful parent helpers and the kids did a great job of rotating through all the activities - we had a blast!  

Kolleana shows off her balancing skills playing "Going Steady".

Avery shows us how to get a cookie from her forehead to her mouth without using her hands in "That's How the Cookie Tumbles".

Orrin is concentrating on making a smiley face with m&ms and a straw in "Smile!"

Kara shows patience while making a tower of hearts in "Heart-a-Stack"

Prestyn builds a tower of cups in "Stack-Attack".

Ian hooked 5 noodles on a piece of spaghetti (without hands!) playing "Through Thick and Thin".

Maya shows off her target skills playing "Cupid's Arrow" with Q-tips and a straw.

The boys try to hook pasta on spaghetti noodles.

The girls try to build tall towers of hearts.

How many Fruit Loops can you balance on a popsicle stick stuck in your mouth?

Can you stack a tower of 21 cups in under a minute?

Thanks to all the parents and volunteers who helped make our first annual "Minute-to-Win-It" a huge success!  The kids had a wonderful time (and the custodian didn't kill me the next day!)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:30 PM
Hi my name is Billy I like to play baseball and soccer and koha hockey and in baseball I like toplay cacher. I can catch the ball in my mit once I caught the ball in my mit in the air.I never been goley in my life.  I can’t wait intell vallintine!

Hi my name is Ian Today is the day before Valentines Day I am so. Exsited  For it my teacher Mrs. Koehn has been setting minet to win. It we are the first class that Mrs. Koehn had to do this  we are going to have ice cream I braght bouls. It will be good  -By Ian  

Hey I’m back and you are not going to beleive it my class has two Ipads! So you are prabily thinking how we yuse both of them well we have a schule for each day. by Kolleana

hi my name is Maya today is thursday the day before Valentine`s Day. Mrs Koehn is doing something new this year. And we are having ice cream. I brote in prizes for the games. And Billy brote in prizes. Now I am going to talk about me. I have a brother and 2 sister`s. the first sister is   is named Sam the another sister is named Vanessa. they both are very smart.

Hi my name is Zoie today is Valentine,s  Day  as you all know.Today  at my class is doing something  fun.Like playing game,s.So I will have some fun today with my  class.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:54 AM
Billy enjoys a book on the rug.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:05 AM
The township water department came and taught us about aquifers and how to help protect our groundwater from contamination. 

  It was very interesting to learn about containment layers, wells, and water towers!

To help us remember how it all goes together, we made edible aquifers!  

We used Sprite in the bottom of the cup to represent the ground water way below the surface.  Then a scoop of ice cream represented the containment layer. 

On top, we use crushed Oreos as top soil, marshmallows as rocks and sprinkles as dirt to show all the things that can be above ground on top of our water. 


Finally, we pushed a "well" - a straw down through all the layers to get to our groundwater.  


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:42 PM
The B.U.G.S. started a special project today.   

They were so excited about growing something from seeds but were surprised to find the seeds to be so tiny!

 We are looking forward to sprouts in a couple weeks and watching our plants grow!
(We will keep you posted!) 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 4:33 PM
Hi I’m billy I like to learn about colcher and the earth and I like to learn about math. by Billy
I want to go to new york city and Mexico to keep my family warm.  by Jared 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:53 AM
I was playing with my frend  Damean  we wore sleding down the big big hile so fast that we fliool out  af are sleds and fell into the snow and be came snow men so we went up the hile agen  and it haptind  agen   by Dylan 
My name is jose and it is school it and it is spoas to be a snowday but it is it a snowday  it is not a snowday it is a schoolday by Jose  

Hi my name is Kara.I was at Trinity.I had 7 kids in my class.Now I am at these school           I have meet a lot of friends there.Now there are 27 kids in my class. by Kara

hi my name is Prestyn .over the weekend i went to my grandma,s and grandpa,s  .i spent the night to and my cusyn came to it was fun .by prestyn .

Hi my  name is Sophie.My  faverite toy is Marie the cat.I know im going to make up words.I know im happy.I know my blog is great.Why do i have not finished my stories that have not been pubelished.I need to herey or i wont be finished.When i need help i yell and skream and shout.i wont to be done by Sophie