Friday, February 14, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 8:21 AM
Since we are starting to work on telling time in math and because...well, it's just so much fun, we decided to play some "Minute-to-Win-It" games for Valentine's Day!  We had so many wonderful parent helpers and the kids did a great job of rotating through all the activities - we had a blast!  

Kolleana shows off her balancing skills playing "Going Steady".

Avery shows us how to get a cookie from her forehead to her mouth without using her hands in "That's How the Cookie Tumbles".

Orrin is concentrating on making a smiley face with m&ms and a straw in "Smile!"

Kara shows patience while making a tower of hearts in "Heart-a-Stack"

Prestyn builds a tower of cups in "Stack-Attack".

Ian hooked 5 noodles on a piece of spaghetti (without hands!) playing "Through Thick and Thin".

Maya shows off her target skills playing "Cupid's Arrow" with Q-tips and a straw.

The boys try to hook pasta on spaghetti noodles.

The girls try to build tall towers of hearts.

How many Fruit Loops can you balance on a popsicle stick stuck in your mouth?

Can you stack a tower of 21 cups in under a minute?

Thanks to all the parents and volunteers who helped make our first annual "Minute-to-Win-It" a huge success!  The kids had a wonderful time (and the custodian didn't kill me the next day!)


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