Friday, February 21, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:52 AM
We are devising a new game to practice our time telling skills called, "Check Your Watch!"  It is played like Go-Fish, but with clock cards!  The kids played a round of the game today to help us solidify rules and get the hang of it.  They really enjoyed having some fun with their friends while they practiced telling time!

Each player chose ten cards (that show pictures of clocks or show a time)  from a face-down pile in the center of each table.

Rotating CLOCKWISE :) each player took a turn asking another for a time they held in their hands in order to make a match. 

If they were able to make a match, they laid the match on the table and asked another player for a time.  If the player did not have the matching card, they responded to the request with "Check Your Watch!" and the asking player chose a new card from the face-down pile in the center of the table. 

The students had a lot of fun matching times with clocks and got some extra practice at time-telling!


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