Thursday, February 13, 2014

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 6:30 PM
Hi my name is Billy I like to play baseball and soccer and koha hockey and in baseball I like toplay cacher. I can catch the ball in my mit once I caught the ball in my mit in the air.I never been goley in my life.  I can’t wait intell vallintine!

Hi my name is Ian Today is the day before Valentines Day I am so. Exsited  For it my teacher Mrs. Koehn has been setting minet to win. It we are the first class that Mrs. Koehn had to do this  we are going to have ice cream I braght bouls. It will be good  -By Ian  

Hey I’m back and you are not going to beleive it my class has two Ipads! So you are prabily thinking how we yuse both of them well we have a schule for each day. by Kolleana

hi my name is Maya today is thursday the day before Valentine`s Day. Mrs Koehn is doing something new this year. And we are having ice cream. I brote in prizes for the games. And Billy brote in prizes. Now I am going to talk about me. I have a brother and 2 sister`s. the first sister is   is named Sam the another sister is named Vanessa. they both are very smart.

Hi my name is Zoie today is Valentine,s  Day  as you all know.Today  at my class is doing something  fun.Like playing game,s.So I will have some fun today with my  class.


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