Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM

Topic: Tell about the best gift you are GIVING to someone this holiday season.

One  thing  I am giving someone is from the gift shop it is for my brother I got my  brother  a pen   last year. This year I am getting  him a  cool toy I  think he will  like it I hope he will like it this year. I am getting  my  mom and my  dad  something  this year I think  my mom and dad will like it to. – by Audrie

One thing I am giving to my sistr this year is my love and hapenis to her this year. By Nick.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:28 PM

Topic: Write about how you can be generous this holiday season.

I was genares by like giving my friend sum of my toys zombie I gave him one of my zombie toys. My friend gave me a toy I said ok. My sister said she would  give me a thing that scwerts out water. I would give her a lot of poky mone cards and sum cards with a sweley on the back it is black brown. I woud trade a difrent Ethan his last name is I for got it. But my sister said she would give me a poky mone card that the life is six hungrent and thrddy life. Then I would give her sum money like a tow dollars to day. Now I will give my mom a lot of stuff but my mom and my dad will only open tow presents. By Payton

I  was      genaerous  to my  friend  for  giving  some of  my  play  toy  to  him. I  also gave  three  tops  we  wer  playing  with  at  school  at  recess. I  play  with  my friends some  of  the time I  gave  water  to him.  He  gave  me  water  for  being  genaerous  to him  to. I  gave my friend  a  leaf  that  looked  pretty  awesome  to  him  to. I  like  it wen  peple  are  genaerous  to  me  to. I  some times   eat  with my  friends  at  lunch   By  Sam

When I was generous I gave my brother a painted rock. I have a rock painting set. So I gave my brother one. I also gave my mom one and my stepdad. I gave my mom and my stepdad one along time ago. I gave my brother one for his last birthday. I gave my brother the last painted rock. But I asked for another one. The end. By Cheyenne

When I was  generous I gave my mom a gift of love  from my heart .Then I gave my dad a gift from Walmart . Then I gave my brother a toy box he liked it. Then I gave my granmpa  a gift of joy .  Then my friend Cheyenne got a hair dresser. Then Sam got a  funny animal .  kalab got a life time gift .Zake  got a  friend ship braslet . By Lindy

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:49 AM


Krysti did it again - and again!  She won two rounds of Around the World today!  The competition is getting tougher, though!  I can tell everyone is practicing their math facts!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:54 AM


Today is my birthday and I am HAPPY. Today is my sisters’ play today to. Today is going to be a good day. Today I am eight because its’ my birthday today. Today I will eat cake. By  Noah

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:52 AM

Working together in math groups to review the chapter.  

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:48 AM


Ethan and Payton were reading the weekly story together.  They did a great job!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:42 AM


Every week, we spend time having friends give us some suggestions on how to make our writing better before we turn it in.  This week, Cheyenne and Delaney had a great conversation about more than just fixing periods and capitals.  They were talking about adding details, adjectives and prepositions to make the writing more interesting for a reader!  Great job working together, girls!

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:40 AM

Topic: Write about an animal that goes hunting for its prey

Once I saw a cheetah  hunt an animal. It was on Netflix. The cheetah  cetched a monkey. It was cool  to see. It was danger for the baby cheetah. It was nice for the baby cheetahs to go home. That  is nice. I was happy. I saw a bat eat  a mouse. It was gross. I am never seeing it a gen. By Dominick

Once a time there was a cheetah and that cheetah ate a pig I said that I was so sorry for your sister   is in a good please. I am so sorry for your lost one   I said to the pigs crying. And then all of a sudden I   herd a big ss it was a snake NO please to not eat a another Animal so he walked away ya evry one yeld you saved my town you are a hereow .By Kourtney 

   A animal goes hunting. It  can hunt for fish or deer. The animal can also eat pig and other animals .If your pet ran awayyou might findhim – by Phoebe

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:30 AM

Topic: Write about building something

I like to bild robots they are nise to me and my mom and my dad by Nick

Once I was  playing with my blocks and  I made a peeramed  and I sed  mom come and see wat I made she seid  wow. By Audrie

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  - We rolled two story cubes today and came up with a woman going in a room and dice.  Let's see what stories the kids created with their imaginations!

I  will write a story. A girl is walking  into her mom’s and dad’s room maybe. A  dice is in someone had and they are getting   a  roll maybe.A  girl is walking in her room to get a toy for her brother  to Play with.

              That is my story about wacky Wednesday writing this is fun. By Ryleigh.

A  girl walk in a casino with a  dice to gamble the .Casino name is for winds is the name of   the casino. She play dice  games  at   the casino. - by Jack

A girl walks in her room and finds the dieses on the floor and picks them up and she puts them in the corret order. The girl went in side the Italy Casino and she played with the other people in the casino. - by Moises 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:33 AM

Happy Birthday Sam!


It  is  my  birthday  today. I   am  icsitid   to  selabrate   my  birthday  today  at  a restront.  I  get  to eat a lot of  cake today. I like to open  my presients after  my  dener  is  done. I like  to play with my toy  wen  iy  am  done  with  my  dener.  By Sam    

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 9:07 AM

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  Today we tried something new!  We rolled two of our story cubes to give us a story starter!  Today we rolled a clock (that said 4:00) and a footprint.  The students had to write a story using those two things!  They were so creative!  

My story about my wacky Wednesday .At four o ..clock they saw a foot print out side of the door way they where scared  they  tiped toe away very fast and they ran to the phone  and called the 911  and they came to the house. They found the foot print  they looked at it for a secened   and they  looked .he looked at the peoples  foots  they said I don’t know  who it is . The people  stared  at  him they left the room  and they cry .They din’t like him  at all they  said thank you  he left the house .They sat down and they cry hard as they can they stopped crying and they left the house and they moved out of the house . by Lindy

My  story  is  about  a  clock  that   found  foot  steps  on  the  ground.  He  sied  I   will  find   the  crock  sied the  clock. I  will  like  to  find  him  if the  crock  is if is far  are  low.  I   will   look   left  are  right  sied  the  clock .  So  the  clock  ran  to  the  end  of  the  track.  The  clock  was  looking  in  the  middle  of  the window  he  saw  a  crock  with  a  cat  in  his  hands.  Wen   the  crock  looked  at  the  window  he  came  down  the  sament.  By  SAM         

Once upon a time there was a clock that was at four a clock. It had a foot on it that was kind of wacky. I was about to say what kind of clock is that. My mom said I don’t know what kind of clock that is. I lighted because it is a combnashon of a clock and a foot print. My mom said are you shar about that. I said yes I am shar mom because the foot is on the clock. My mom lighted because she thaut that somewan stepped on it. By Cheyenne

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:43 AM

Topic:  Tell a story about a dog and a cat.

My dog and cat are like brothers to me and my cat is a baby cat he eats cat food .Both of my dogs     by LARZ 

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 7:40 AM

Topic: Write a letter to someone you care about

I love Miss Wilson and you are the best teacher that I could ever have in my hole intire life and I love you so much. I love my family because you guys are the best family that I could have because you do things for me and I do things for you.  By Krystiana

    I love my mom. She loves me too! She loves me so much. That it is hard to explain.  She is in my family too! So I get to see her every day! I am glad my is in my family. I need my mom in my family. She lives with me also.  That is my story about my mom. By: Taylor

When   I   was   at   my    Grandmas   house     I    wrote    a     letter    it    said    Dear  Grandma     I   love    you.  By Megan

When I was three I wrote a letter to my mom .  It said : Dear mom , I love writing to you and  all that lovable  stuff love Delaney  like that . but when I got older I started not doing it so I don’t do it anymore . It was fun !! Do you do it to your family ? You should do it if you don’t ! I’ll give you a hint if you put the word love in it your mom would smile.  By-  Delaney