Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:38 AM

Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!  - We rolled two story cubes today and came up with a woman going in a room and dice.  Let's see what stories the kids created with their imaginations!

I  will write a story. A girl is walking  into her mom’s and dad’s room maybe. A  dice is in someone had and they are getting   a  roll maybe.A  girl is walking in her room to get a toy for her brother  to Play with.

              That is my story about wacky Wednesday writing this is fun. By Ryleigh.

A  girl walk in a casino with a  dice to gamble the .Casino name is for winds is the name of   the casino. She play dice  games  at   the casino. - by Jack

A girl walks in her room and finds the dieses on the floor and picks them up and she puts them in the corret order. The girl went in side the Italy Casino and she played with the other people in the casino. - by Moises 


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