Monday, December 17, 2012

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 2:28 PM

Topic: Write about how you can be generous this holiday season.

I was genares by like giving my friend sum of my toys zombie I gave him one of my zombie toys. My friend gave me a toy I said ok. My sister said she would  give me a thing that scwerts out water. I would give her a lot of poky mone cards and sum cards with a sweley on the back it is black brown. I woud trade a difrent Ethan his last name is I for got it. But my sister said she would give me a poky mone card that the life is six hungrent and thrddy life. Then I would give her sum money like a tow dollars to day. Now I will give my mom a lot of stuff but my mom and my dad will only open tow presents. By Payton

I  was      genaerous  to my  friend  for  giving  some of  my  play  toy  to  him. I  also gave  three  tops  we  wer  playing  with  at  school  at  recess. I  play  with  my friends some  of  the time I  gave  water  to him.  He  gave  me  water  for  being  genaerous  to him  to. I  gave my friend  a  leaf  that  looked  pretty  awesome  to  him  to. I  like  it wen  peple  are  genaerous  to  me  to. I  some times   eat  with my  friends  at  lunch   By  Sam

When I was generous I gave my brother a painted rock. I have a rock painting set. So I gave my brother one. I also gave my mom one and my stepdad. I gave my mom and my stepdad one along time ago. I gave my brother one for his last birthday. I gave my brother the last painted rock. But I asked for another one. The end. By Cheyenne

When I was  generous I gave my mom a gift of love  from my heart .Then I gave my dad a gift from Walmart . Then I gave my brother a toy box he liked it. Then I gave my granmpa  a gift of joy .  Then my friend Cheyenne got a hair dresser. Then Sam got a  funny animal .  kalab got a life time gift .Zake  got a  friend ship braslet . By Lindy

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