Topic: How do children change as they grow older?Children change as they grow older because like if they don’t like Strawberys they will probly like them when they grow up. Even if baby’s don’t like oranges the will even like it when they turn seven years old. Children also change as they grow older because they GROW!! I do not like Mash patatos but I will like it when I grow up. I love orange juice but I probly won’t like it when I grow up TO! They could probly even grow if they go to country to the city. That’s my favorite part the city. Those...
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 10:12 AM
Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY! Once upon a time there was this little boy name Sam he all was goes to the beach he all was tans and swims or play in the sand . The bee came it buzz buzz he ran away as far far away he ran to his house he hide under his coach then he sat for a second then he ran to his room and whent to bed . his bed was snowy so white you can see right though it. By LindyOnce a upon a time there was a bee. The bee was so small that no one could see him. There was a sinitist...
Categories: journal, journaling, Journals
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 3:47 PM
Topic: Tell why it is important to always do your bestIf I can be good I don’t have to flip my bee and I never want that to happen and if I be to bad I will be in detention that’s bad. I can do my best because I can do jumps on a ramp and backflips and frontflips and all kinds of stunts. -By LarzI can do my best because I can do jumps if I go in a ramp And I do a big jump. By Moi...
Categories: Journals
Friday, February 22, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 2:42 PM
Topic: Friday FREE CHOICE WRITE!My dad is so fun because he will race and he will win a lot and it is funny he will be like a cat. My mom is a nice mom but I do not live with her and I miss her so much and she miss me so much too but she will pick me up we will go to her house and it is so fun we play together play with the dog it is fun. My Grandma is amazing of making cookies and I help her make them and they are so good when the are done my Grandpa likes them a lot me too. I am so luck that I have a good family that loves me so much and...
Categories: Journals
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 2:40 PM
Topic: Write a story about the windThis is my story about the windy its very windy out today . It was super windy yesterday. Wind can get very strong so strong its hard to go through it with out falling . The braes can be gentle or not pretty it can be really bad .That is how hard wind can get. By Lindy The wind is like a gentle braes in the summer air blowing across your face in a meow .By Nick. The wind is cool because it is a cool brese...
Categories: Journals
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 2:30 PM
Today a team from the Village of Paw Paw came to teach us about aquifers.They showed us a model of underground water, layers of dirt, clay and models of wells that go down into the ground to bring up water for our use. It was so interesting to see the model and to watch a "contaminant" like oil or chemicals as it flowed into the rivers and streams! We got to make "edible aquifers" when they finished, to practice what we had learned. We...
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 2:00 PM
Topic: Write about your best friend My friends Noah, Moises and Larz play with me at resess. We play games and do fun stuff. We do it all the time. A lot of times Larz is captan of the game. By Dominick&nb...
Categories: Journals
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 10:14 AM
Topic: WaCkY WeDnEsDaY WrItInG!!Today we rolled two Story Cube nouns and got the following as our story prompt: Once upon a time there was a dad . He was at work . His kid mist him but she knew that her dad has to . She knew he has to work so they could have money . Than that night he came home . the little girl did not no home because she was sleeping . he has sent a letter. By phoebe Ones a apon a time thar ...
Categories: Journals
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 10:12 AM
Topic: Tell about someone who makes you laughMy big brother is so funny he has real funny jokes he is a good brother he is sometimes By LarzMe and my little brother and my mom we play Tickle Tag also tickles us also that makes me laugh. When me and my little brother fight that makes me laugh so much. By Moises Today we are writing about something that makes you smile. In my case my little brother he smiles when I say hi it is so cute . He makes me laugh. by Hai...
Categories: Journals
Monday, February 11, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 10:12 AM
Topic: Tell about a time when something unexpected happened to you.Today and yesterday I wonted to get my medisin dun today and yesterday because I don’t like it because it is vaery yuky but I didn’t caer by Ethan I will be writing a story for you today that is unexpected. When I got my 3ds games this week I was so happy that my Grandma got it for me and she was happy too. On Christmas I was so unexpected because my Grandpa and Grandma got me a 3ds and also I because my brother got a ds form me. When my...
Categories: Journals
Friday, February 8, 2013
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 11:57 AM
This week we started an inquiry-based cross-curricular lesson on apples. The students shared their "wonder" questions about the fruit. We talked about ways we can find answers to questions that we wonder about. The class suggested we use the internet, read books, ask an expert and use the knowledge we already have. These were great ideas! We decided to use as many resources as we could to find answers to our questions....
Posted by Mrs. Koehn
On 11:52 AM
Topic: Tell about the life cycle of a frogThis is my life cirle of frogs. First they start from a egg then they will brake open the egg . If the egg gets dry the tadpole in side could die. When they turn into a frog thay can not breth. By AudrieThis is my story of a frog . first it starts out as a tadpole then it grow and grows in till it’s a grow in to a frog it can live for a lot of years ...
Categories: Journals
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