Thursday, February 28, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 10:37 AM

Topic: How do children change as they grow older?

Children change as they grow older because like if they don’t like Strawberys they will probly like them when they grow up. Even if baby’s don’t like oranges the will even like it when they turn seven years old. Children also change as they grow older because they GROW!! I do not like Mash patatos but I will like it when I grow up. I love orange juice but I probly won’t like it when I grow up TO! They could probly even grow if they go to country to the city. That’s my favorite part the city. Those are how children change as they grow older. - Carlysha

When child’s have there their birthday they get taller every time that they get their just a little taller every time. Everyone needs to eat healthy things and not bad things. If you don’t eat healthy you will still grow but it is still bad for your body. All baby’s will grow even baby’s that are not in this country or city. Every time a big kid or a small kid will soon be an adult even if it will take forever in their life even if there are a baby.  - By Krysti

When kids get older they start going to bigger grades and then collage. Collage is were you learn important things. Collage is sometimes hard for some people. Collage is when you work hard. A lot of times collage is when you grow up. I think it’s important to go to collage because if your plans fail you need a backup plan. Like if you want to be a singer and you do not get it you need a backup plan. When they graduate collage they will probably get a job - By Taylor

When children grow they start to have memory’s of what they don’t like now but did when they were little kids like if a teenage boy liked Star Wars and he doesn’t now that means he’s growing . When little girls liked dolls but now they like nail polish it means there growing . If they don’t like what they like now you know there growing . It’s important that there growing though .  When they where little and they liked dolls and blocks . Then now when they like nail polish and racecars . It means there growing . By- Delaney 


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