Friday, February 8, 2013

Posted by Mrs. Koehn On 11:57 AM

This week we started an inquiry-based cross-curricular lesson on apples.  The students shared their "wonder" questions about the fruit.  We talked about ways we can find answers to questions that we wonder about.  The class suggested we use the internet, read books, ask an expert and use the knowledge we already have.  These were great ideas!  We decided to use as many resources as we could to find answers to our questions.  

In the end, we had students think of ways they could share their new knowledge.  A few decided to blog about our final projects!


I am writing  about  posters that kids are making. We  are doing apple projects. It is fun. They are still doing  it. They  are awesome. They are working hard. They are painting now.  Some  people are not painting. They are putting apples on the poster. They are doing a good job. So kids can learn about apples that they did not  know.  I am blogging right now. Some people are done. By Dominick.
I can look on the Internet to search for apples and to how to make allot of  things to make with apples like applesauce  and apple juice  also apple pie. I can put facts on the apples so I can tell about the apples.  By Moises


The apple math problems are kind of easy but most are hard. The math problems are really apple problems because every station is about apples and we have to make it and we have to write the math sentence words is what the kids read in our school they have to read the sentences and solve the problem and that’s something how second graders do it. The math problems maybe hard for the kindagardenes. By Larz 


Of course, we all wondered about how different apples TASTE!!  We decided to do a taste test to decide which kind we liked the best.  We compared Fuji, Yellow Delicious, Granny Smith and Honeycrisp apples.  We looked at color, size, skin, and of course deliciousness! 


Finally, we wrapped up our week by making notes about our favorite parts and what we learned from our investigation!  We can't wait to set our minds to wondering again!


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